"My heart worships the sound of yours, my eyes see so they can find you, words leave my lips so they can relay my devotion to you... I am for you, Nia. My very essence survives because of you. If Goddess deemed, I would worship you and you alone. I would kiss the very ground you walk on and bow down to no one but you. I... I can never not be completely, irrevocably, and hopelessly in love with you, Nia." There were tears in Iris's eyes, oceans of golden love, and Antonia was surprised that she hadn't passed out by the impact of her admission; her heart racing and her eyes brimming with tears too.

"You love me." Antonia had mumbled dumbly, her eyes wide yet fearful, and Iris's thumb caressed her cheek longingly as she gazed in her eyes; causing her to lean into her touch needily.

"I have been in love with you for so long that I have become it, my Nia. I am no one if I am not my love for you. As unworthy as I am of you, I am yours. I have always been yours. I will always be yours." Iris confessed honestly, a twinge of sadness in her voice, and this time it was Antonia who had reached out only to wrap her hand around her neck; pulling her in to join their foreheads.

"And I am yours, Iris. Just as you're mine. In every way possible. In this life and every other. Forever and more." Antonia whispered her profession, letting her emotions plunge into her voice, and Iris felt herself tremble by the intensity of it; her vampire and magic roaring happily.

And then, for the first time in this life, they became one...

Neither Iris nor Antonia knew who had initiated the most significant moment of their lives, their vampires and magic unbelievably in sync as they moved towards each other. It was only when they were a breath away that Iris had whispered through their mate bond, needing their mate's consent to kiss her at long last, and Antonia had felt so dominated by her mind-numbing emotions that she answered her with actions; removing the damn distance between their lips eagerly. As soon as their lips met - soft yet desperate but patient and loving - every single cell inside their body fluctuated, instantly, before humming on the same regularity, their magic glowing brighter than it ever had, and their bond grew so strong that they shared every single thing; including the memories from all their lifetimes together.

Antonia had gasped as she pulled away; having lived lifetimes in a split second...

"Nia, are you okay, my love?" Iris inquired worriedly, knowing it must have been too much to see all that, and Antonia suddenly felt like her chest was too small to contain all the love bursting inside her chest for the incredible woman before her.

Antonia had not replied, realizing that no words could ever be enough to explain the love that she had invariably had for her, so she simply pulled her precious mate in and captured her ripe lips with her own; reacquainting herself with the addicting taste of her mouth as she had done in every lifetime. Iris had seemed surprised by her sudden passion, unsure if she would be able to rectify it suitably, and she had tried to hold her thrilled vampire back but when Antonia moaned softly into their kiss, her silky tongue tasting her mouth eagerly; her vampire pushed through. The vampire had deepened the kiss, even more, pulling out soft moans from their mate hungrily, and growled in satisfaction every time their mate blessed them; their magic entwining with their mate's.

Like Iris, Antonia was struggling with her vampire too, and when they felt that their vampire mate had taken over, they did too. Antonia's vampire pushed Iris's onto their back, straddled their waist within a blink, and kissed them so fervently that she feared they might combust at any second; their magic getting hotter with every moment of their unique union. With the vampires in control, there was holding back, and when Iris's vampire ripped their mate's shirt to reveal their mate mark; she worried they might consummate right then and there if not halted. Fortunately for them, there was a loud knock on their chamber's door, and both vampires growled loudly in warning at whoever was disturbing them.

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