Chapter Two

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Karl was tired as hell. He groaned and forced his eyes open. Voices bounced off the walls, making his head hurt.

"Miranda, giving him to me is clearly the best choice. I could make fine wine with his blood." I'm sorry to have what with my what? That wasn't the first thing he wanted to hear when he woke up. Who are these people, anyway? Karl looked down at his sore hands and found them cuffed with rusty, tight metal. It was chained to something.

"I don't think he'll taste that good. He looks like he hasn't bathed in quite a while." A familiar voice said. Oh, it was a blond magneto. Karl didn't want to see him again, but here he was. The last thing he remembered was that he was fighting a Lycan and got knocked out. "Give him to me. I can get fine entertainment from him. Put on a good show for everyone." How about no?

He looked to his side and saw an ugly-looking fish thing. It stood near the blond, breathing rather loudly. He looked to his other side and saw a really, REALLY tall lady. In front of him was a masked person, and beside them was a person dressed in all black holding an ugly doll. What freakshow did he stumble upon? The blond was the only normal-looking one. Karl didn't know how to feel about it. Blondie had a crossbow and arrows on his back, tossing a knife in his hand and catching it repeatedly.

"I've heard your persuasions and have made a final decision. Winters, the man is in your hands." The bird lady stated. For a split second, Karl could see the man cringe slightly. It was a blink, and you missed it for a moment. He smiled at the lady, a super-sized bitch. She merely sighed and sat down, accepting defeat.

"Thank you." The blond man said this with a not-so-hidden distaste. He slipped his knife in his sleeve and got up. "Lycans and siblings, pardon the wait. Let the show begin." He walked closer, kneeling. "Nice to see you again, Karl Heisenberg. Do me a favor and don't disappoint me, yeah?" He said this in a low, quiet voice. Karl wanted to spit in his face but didn't as Ethan stepped back, pulling the crossbow from his back and pointing it at the man. Karl bit back in fear, and Ethan pulled the trigger. The arrow broke the chain hooked to his cuffs. Ethan started counting down, and Karl wasted no time looking for an escape route. What the hell was going on? That seemed like a constant question he would ask himself.

As Karl leaped down the hole, Miranda had also left, not caring for any of the childish games Ethan had planned. As the lords watched Karl run around the maze of Lycans, Ethan sighed and sat back down. He held high faith in Karl, hoping he would make it through the trap 'alive'. He misses his daughter, and Karl could be the final key to getting her back.

"Ethan, this trap of yours seems awfully easier than your normal ones," Alcina commented. She knew her brother was an intelligent man. Hell, his whole factory was a trap itself. He is a smart man, but this trap seems a little uncharacteristic. His Lycans could easily rip through the dirt, bars, and wood. They could catch up to Karl in a second. There are only two metal traps set in place and they are easy to avoid. Hell, even Urias could've gotten him sooner.

"I didn't have much time to plan. I wasn't even sure Miranda would've let me have him, so I didn't have much to go on." The lie rolled easily off his tongue. It's simple and easy. Of course, not knowing about Miranda's decision wasn't a lie. It didn't take an idiot to see that the two didn't get along. While Miranda did still call him her son, Ethan refused to ever call her his mother. Since the beginning. He treated the other lords nicely, and they all got along. He even called them family. While they were still devoted to Miranda, they also liked Ethan, so they tolerated his distaste for her. He never actively bothered them with it either.

"I see." Alcina could still feel that something was off but didn't pick any further. They watched as Karl escaped and ran out of the building. "It seems he has gotten away. Mother won't like that." She said, standing up. The lords made their way to exit the church as well.

"Well, Mother never liked me in the first place. It seems he is heading towards your castle; might I join?" Ethan asked, following her anyway. He re-adjusted his bow.

"Might as well." She scoffed, glaring at the man below her. He winked and hummed softly. He bid farewell to Donna, Angie, and Moreau, wishing them safe travels back to their own homes.

The two lords made their way into the castle to wait for Karl, who would show up soon. The sound of bugs swarming got closer.

"Welcome back, Mother," Cassandra said.

"Hello, mother." Bela followed.

"Hi, uncle," Daniela said lastly.

"Hello, girls. I assume you behaved yourselves, yes?" Alcina said, walking down the castle. Everyone is close in pursuit. She got a collective 'yes mother' from all three daughters. "Good. Good."

"What brings you here, Uncle?" Daniela asked, flying in front of him.

"Oh, are you going to play for us again, Uncle?" Bela asked excitedly, causing her other sisters to brighten him. He chuckled and softly let the girl down.

"Not today, girls. I have a "toy" I'm waiting for. He has long hair, scruffy bread, and smells like he hasn't bathed in his entire existence." He felt bad when he watched the frowns on their faces start to form. "Maybe I can play something later if I have the time." He offered, gaining a bunch of 'yes please' and 'thank you's He smiled and leaned against the wall. He could tell the girls knew Karl was now in the castle.

"We can get the man-thing for you, mother!" Bela said, flying off.

"Try not to harm him too much, I would rather harm him in one way," Ethan said as the other two girls followed their sister. They flew off, and Alcina sat down, pouring herself a cup of wine.

"So, Ethan? What exactly do you plan on doing with Heisenberg?" She asked, facing the wall for some reason.

"I want to take him to my factory. His body intrigues me." It was vague, but it wasn't a lie. He wasn't going to do much. He hoped he would take his deal and the two could plan things out from there.

Ethan stopped his train of thought when the door opened and the girls brought in the fresh pry, Alcina thanked the girls and had them hook his hands. Ethan stopped himself from visibly cringing at the sight. That looked painful and uncomfortable. Alcina had a taste of his blood in a not-so-family-friendly-looking manor.

"Starting to go a little stale." She spoke. Ethan could guess why but said nothing. The less anyone knew of his plans and his knowledge of Karl, the better. After a bit, the girls left, leaving Karl and Ethan alone. Ethan walked closer and smiled.

"I'm glad you didn't disappoint me, Heisenberg. I knew you were strong." He said, looking up.

"F-fuck you. Your sad rip-off metal magneto." Karl hissed in pain and annoyance. He was desperate to find a way out of the castle. That Duke person he met earlier wasn't someone he didn't want to run into again. He also didn't want to see this blondie again, but fate really liked to fuck him in the ass.

"I just want to talk, honey cakes," Ethan smirked.

"You have nothing I want," Karl said, glaring at the lord.

"I have to disagree with you there. I might have a few things you might want if you're willing to listen." Ethan turned away from Karl and to the lever. He placed his hands on it but made no attempt to push it. Karl watched him and growled. He stopped for a second and thought.

"Fine. What do you want?"

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