chapter 3 - UNTELSILS.

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We finally arrive at the studio after maybe a month of driving. Wilbur is suffering from obvious signs of concussion but its ok i support him. Ash Lovejoy (omg) gets out of the car and goes to unlock the studio door. before he turns the key the building fucking explodes. "WHAT UP FOCKERS" Tommyinnit says, standing in the blown up doorway. "I JUSHT PUT A FOHRK IN THE MICRO HWAVE"

"FOCKIN ELL CHOMMY NOT AGANE" wilbur yells from the car. ash is dead on the groundm i think. rest in pebblebrain ash lovejoy 😥💔

tommy swings open the car door. "RONBOO GET OUT THA CAR WEVE GOT MICRO HWAVES TO PUT UTENSHOLS IN" I sniff as i cry and take off me and michaels seatbelts. i pick him up and set him back down softly "stay in the car michael daddys gotta go put silverware into microwaves i guess." he flops over. i love my dead pig son.

after walking around with tommy i realize we're in british town. which makes sense because the car ride took a long time and i think we were at the bottom of the oceon for a little while. we stop at some random guys house.. no.. GOGGY?????????2+#?#+$($?$???"?+_(3???

"Tommy we cant blow up goggles house hes too scrungle!! thats what the little gay people in my phone told me!!!"

"Ronboo i thought you were homo phobic"

I reel back in shock. did tommy read my diary???#??#?? "HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT!!!!!?!!??"

"i can smhell it, freak"

i start to cry into my hands. why does everyone hate me just for being homophobic??? what did i do wrong??? I dont hate gay people they hate me!!!!!

"Are you gonna shtop croying loik a pusshy bitch and blowh up goeges howse with me?"

soon enough we're climbing through georges window and tiptoeing to his kitchen. we can hear him from his room going snorrreee mimimimimimi snorrre mimimimimimi

i open the kitchen drawer. i reach in and see a spoon, grabbing it with my full fist. tommy stands with the microwave door open, waiting for me to accompany his crime. i place the spoon in, he slams the door behind me. he sets the microwave to 4 minutes and 20 seconds before bolting out the door and running across the street.

georges house bursts into flames. we start laughing like maniacs. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?"

we turn our heads in fear. there he is, in all his 90 degree glory. c exclamation mark dream from the hit minecraft roleplay the dream SMP. his nipples are where his eyes should be and his eyes are where his nipples should be. i shake in fear. "Pp.p.p.p.please mr d d.dweam sir it was tom.mmys ideaa. sjmdnmnxmmm"

"Whot the fock man???? throwhing me undar the bus, prick." tommy tries to fight c exclamation mark dream, but he picks him up and swings him into the nearest house. i blink and he is suddenly gone. tommy is knocked unconscious beside a now dented house. i start walking back to the studio.

(Tomorrow is Aj's birthday (aka me i am Aj saying this) i am so epic)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2022 ⏰

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