chapter 26

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I wake up and get dressed after I shower and brush my teeth then eun to the dogs room and get Cleo and walk outside with the other dogs following and let them use the bathroom then bring them back inside. I sit on the couch still hokding Cleo and decided to send my mom some pictures of her.
Mija❤️:*Sent 6 pictures* Look at your new granddaughter her name is Cleo
Mama❤️:Aww she's so cute. But Y/N was okay with this?
Mija❤️:Yes she was plus even she wasn't she's whipped so we would've gotten her anyways
Mama❤️:Thats true but I expect to see her when your dad and I get back from our vacation
Mija❤️:You got it mama love yall have fun
Mama❤️:We love yall too and we will
After a few more minutes Y/N walks downstairs in the outfit she stole from set yesterday.

 But Y/N was okay with this?Mija❤️:Yes she was plus even she wasn't she's whipped so we would've gotten her anywaysMama❤️:Thats true but I expect to see her when your dad and I get back from our vacationMija❤️:You got it mama love yall have funMam...

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"Wow babe you look hot."I say making her laugh
"Thanks baby and so you do I love when you wear crop tops."She says and sits next to me and pecks my lips making me laugh
"Of course you do."I say

"So what do you want to do today?"She asks "I don't know

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"So what do you want to do today?"She asks
"I don't know."I say shrugging and making kissy noises to Cleo
"Wow you already love her more then me."Y/N says
"No I don't."I say
"Babe you've been making kissy noises tp her for three minutes while I've been trying to talk to you."She says sighing then gets on her phone. I sigh and put Cleo down and anigfs around the new place then take Y/N's phone out of her hands sitting on the cushion next to her and sitting in her lap and she wraps her arms around my waist and resting her hands on my butt and I wrap her arms around her shoulders just letting my hands rest on the back of the couch.
"I'm sorry baby."I say
"Sure whatever you say."She says
"Baby come on you know I love you more than the puppy."I say
"I know I was joking."She says laughing
"You're an idiot."I say but laugh with her
"Yeah but I'm your idiot."She says smiling at me
"Yes you are."I say smiling back then lean in and kiss her
"How about I go get Kace and Kade and we can hang out with them for the day."Y/N says
"Sure baby."I say and she pecks my lips and leaves to get the boys and her and the boys come back an hour later.
"Lolo."Kace says and runs to me and hugs me
"Hey Kace."I say laughing and Y/N walks with Kade on her hip and bes blabbering nonsense
"Oh is that right?"Y/N asks Laughing
"Guess what Lauren."Kace says sitting next to me
"What buddy?"I ask smiling at him
"I wom my basketball game yesterday."Kace says all excited
"Thats awesome buddy."I say
"Yeah thats what mom said."He says
"Hey Kace you wanna see something really cool."Y/N says
"Yeah."He says excitedly
"Well let's go."She says and hand sme Kade and walks off towards the arcade and Gaming room with Kace. I laugh and follow them.
"Oh my god this is so cool."Kace says and runs into the gaming room
"Yes it is but want to see something even better."Y/N says
"Yes."He says and follows Y/N out the gaming room into the arcade room.
"Oh my god this is awesome can I play some games?"He asks
"Knock yourseld out bud."Y/N says and Kace runs off to Pac-Man. Y/N smiles and walks over to me and sits in the chair next to mine in the arcade and wraps her arm around me.
"I'm so ready to have kids of our own."Y/N says smiling at Kade
"I know you are baby but atleast we have Kace and Kade to practice with."I say and lean my head against  her shoudler.
"Yeah you're right plus look at this little cutie."she says and tickles Kade making me squirm and laugh.
"No hehe."Kade says and pushes Y/Ns hands away making us both laugh.
"Y/N come play with me."Kace says from the racing game and Y/N pecks my lips and runs off to play with Kace.

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