WANT A FAMILY {yizhan} {two shot} Part : 2

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Zhan and yibo started to visit orphanages to adopt a child. It's been a week since they are searching for a child. But luck wasn't on their side. Where ever they go they get the only answer –"you guys are not eligible to adopt a kid." Zhan is slowly losing his hope. Yibo keep on cheering him but there was no use. This time yibo don't want to lose hopes on kids.

"baby eat something..." yibo said to his husband, who was not eating well these days.

"baby please. If you will be healthy then only you can take care of our child right. To we will go an orphanage I 100% sure this time we will adopt a kid for sure... baby please eat. For me for our future kid..." yibo was concerned about zhan's health. Zhan looked up at yibo's face with glossy eyes.

"For sure we are going to adopt a kid today?" zhan asked. Yibo smiled and gave a nod. Zhan hugged him. Successfully yibo fed his big baby.

Today they are visiting an orphanage out of the city. Yibo gave a little bit strength to the younger. When they reached the orphanage. Zhan couldn't control his excitement. He was really curious. They met the lady there who manages the thing of adopting process.

"hi... we are here to adopt a kid." Yibo greeted the lady politely.

"hi... may I know who are going to take care of kid after adoption." The lady asked zhan's heart skipped for this question, they got the problem at this question always. His heart started to beat fast. Yibo sensed the tension of younger. Yibo caught his hand and caressed his hand with thumb to calm him down.

" me and my husband" yibo answered shortly. The lady gave a sweet smile.

" come with me." The lady lead them in. zhan was surprised with that lady's words. He didn't expect this to happen. He was really very happy. Finally, they both going to adopt a child now. Yibo was happy too by looking at his love being happy. Both followed the lady. She lead they to the kids inside.

" may I know what age group child you need." She asked politely. Yibo and zhan looked at each other. They never discussed about this thing.

"any age group is ok" both said unison. The lady cooed at the couple's action.

"ok follow me." They went in the children's playground, where many kids were playing happily. Looking at the cute kids couple smiled sweetly.

"you guys spend some time with kids and inform me which kid you guys wanna adopt. Okay?" she said. Both nodded like kids with a bright smile on their faces.

Whole day both enjoyed their unplanned day. Both felt like they went back to their childhood. Now it time for them to leave. A kid caught zhan's attention, the kid was just like yibo, not in appearance but his behavior very. Zhan liked that kid.

"yibo-ah ..." zhan tugged yibo's sleeves. Yibo looked at him.

"look at that kid" zhan pointed a kid who was sitting alone under a tree. Yibo looked the direction zhan pointed. Yibo was admiring the kid from far.

"did you select the kid you want to adopt." the lady said from behind both male flinched. Zhan looked at her and nodded his head. Yibo looked at them dumb found. Zhan looked at him and showed the boy he was attracted with. That woman took them to office room to fill the details. Till they fill the details the boy was in front of them.

Zhan moved towards that boy and bent to his height. The boy didn't look up, zhan bent a little bit to look at the boy's face. The boy looked at zhan, his eyes sparkled and the boy hugged zhan tightly. Zhan was take back sudden action of that kid...

"hey kid... may I know your name?" zhan asked sweetly, that kid looked up.

"my name is aiguo" zhan cooed at the, who was looking so cute.

"ma'am we are adopting this kid." Zhan said. Yibo just stood there thinking of what just happened. The lady looked at yibo. Yibo just dumbly nodded his head. Zhan smile.

"then please fill these details, then you can take the kid with you." The lady said.

New person in this small and sweet family. New addition, new vibes, new life, something new unknown feeling, the feeling of fulfilled, the place which was empty for last few months in zhan's heart is now finally filled. It is a new start for them. New beginning. With the full of hope this new, small family, now start a fulfilled life.  

hi buns..

hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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love love ❣️❣️❤️❤️

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