💫General Information💫

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↳As a general rule of thumb, Yoshiko tends to use shorter versions of people's names (first, last, or fluctuating between the two depending on how close they are with said person), as it generally just saves them time when they're speaking. It's generally a sign that they trust that person and can afford to be casual with them.
↳It is common for them to act semi-formal when speaking about a person they are friendly with, but maybe not as close. This would be either referring to them by their first or last name (interchangeable and would depend on who they are talking to and who they are talking about). If they are speaking to an authority figure (teacher, Pro Hero, etc), then they will use their last name. If they are speaking to that person's family, then they will most likely use their first name.
↳It is also worth mentioning that it is an immediate red flag if Yoshiko stops using nicknames for a person they are close to. This typically means that they are going through some sort of internal conflict and somehow feel as though they have lost the right to call a person by nicknames. If they suddenly act formally ("[last name]-[honorific]") with somebody they had been casual with, then that is a sign that there is something deeper going on.
General: "Darling", "Hon/Hun", "Babe", "Mate". Yoshiko tends to use nicknames typically seen as "romantic" in a platonic sense. Often they will attach "mate" and "darling" to a person's name instead of normal honorifics as a way of being more casual with those they are close to (Example: "Kiri, Mate, ...", "Shou, Darling, ..."). Either that, or they will just use "mate" instead of the person's name entirely. However, this is only if they are comfortable in this person's presence. Those who make them uncomfortable do not get the luxury of these nicknames.
Todoroki Shouto: "Tododokidoki", "Tododork/Tododorki", "Hot Shot", "Pepsi Logo", "Pokéball", "Icy Spicy", "Hot N Cold™" are all nicknames they used to use for him up until the events of the Hosu Incident. They will still jokingly use these nicknames, however prior to Hosu, they would use these in a somewhat insulting way (mainly due to some unsolved internal problems at that time). These are mainly just wisecracks to pop culture and some fun wordplay. One is a direct reference to the song and yes, that song has been played on a wireless speaker directed right at him. Did he understand? Most likely not, but has it become a regular occurrence for this song to be directed at him? Yes, yes it has. "Daddy Issues" is another joke nickname that Yoshiko likes to use in a teasing way. It's a pun in the way that it references a song, but also plays into him and his father. "Peppermint", "Shou", "Roki" are all endearing nicknames Yoshiko uses after the two become closer and resolve their issues and past grievances.
Bakugou Katsuki: "Firecracker", "Firework™", "Sparky Sparky Boom Boom" are all snarky nicknames they like to use in response to Bakugou's nickname for them. He finds it rather annoying to hear the
Iida Tenya: "Ben Tenya", "GAS, GAS, GAS", "Iida the Hedgehog" and "Speed Racer" are all comical nicknames used by Yoshiko in an endearing way. The first is a pun on his name and allusion to a popular western media character. The last three are plays on his speed quirk, one being a reference to a song, and the other two being allusions to popular media characters.
Ashido Mina: "Queen/My Queen", "Mins", "First Mate" are all endearing nicknames . These two are also called the "Be Gay, Do Crime" duo when they are together
Sero Hanta: "Scotch", "Sticky Situation", and "Band-Aid Boy" are all endearing nicknames that play off of Sero's tape quirk. "Scotch" references a brand of tape while the other two reference the adhesive nature of tape. "Hant" and "Ro" are two endearing nicknames which are shorter variations of his name, one for his first name and one for his last name.
Hogosha Mel: "Jellybean" and  "Mel Mel" are affectionate nicknames given to their younger cousin, whom they treat like a little sibling more than anything else. "Jellybean" stems from when he was a baby, as it was one of the first words he learned and yes, jellybeans are also her favorite candy.
Hogosha Ginza: "Ma/Mama Ginza/ Ma Ginz", "Little Lady" and "Nuts and Bolts", are all affectionate and playful nicknames. Yoshiko refers to her as "Ma" because she is one of her two adoptive mothers, so this helps the two distinguish which one Yoshiko is trying to address. The last two are nicknames that are playful digs at her height and her love of tinkering.
Hogosha Agatha: "Mum", "Aggie", "Aggs" are all general nicknames. "Mum" is used to address her directly and distinguish her from her wife when she is specifically needed. The last two are shorter variations of her full name, as she doesn't really like how long it is.
Zhuravlev Anastasia: "Anya", "Papanya", and "Father/Dad" are all endearing nicknames.The latter the two play off of the whole father/son dynamic while the first is just generally a nickname others call him.
Hachimitsu Koi: "Honeypie" is an endearing nickname given to a childhood friend, and is a pun on both his honey quirk, as well as it being based off of the title of a song.
Rosales Valentine: "Cloud Nine" is an endearing nickname and is once again, a pun nickname on both his quirk, but also the title of a song
Uruwashi Genjirō: "Genji", "Uwuwashi", and "Genj" are all are endearing nicknames that derive from their name. "Third Eye", "Sauron", and "All-Seeing Eye" are all lighthearted nicknames that are based off of their cyclops appearance.
Tanitsurugi Aimi: "Mi-Chan" and "Princess (Hime)", are derogatory nicknames used to insult Aimi. They are used in a very sarcastic tone of voice, and is only used while the two are not on good terms (start of Yuuei through the Sports Festival arc). "Mimi/Mimi-Nii are more affectionate nicknames used later on as the two grow closer once again.
Aihara Issei: Because these two are both otakus, these two have a habit of making up a different nickname for one another for one another that mimic super long anime titles. They often have subtle digs at one another that are playful in every way. A common one Yoshiko uses is "Prince Charming Forgoten Older Brother: Sir Arthur of the Roundtable". "Sir Knight" and "Starry Knight" are two other nicknames they commonly use for him. Both are references to his "Knight in Shining Armor" complex, and the other one being a pun that references a famous painting, but also stems from a moment from when they were younger.
Daiki Shoko: "Kitty" while normally being a romantic nickname, is used platonically and plays at Shoko's love for cats . Yoshiko also tends to call her their "Little Meow Meow" also due to her love for cats.
Aikyo Yua: "Rosebud", "Thorne", and "Petals" are all endearing nickname that stems from Yua's rose quirk. "Dandelion" is also an endearing nickname, however, this one stems from an event in their childhood that led to them becoming friends. "Yu/Yus (yOOz)", "Kyo", and "Aik" are all endearing nicknames that are shorter variations of her first and last names. Yoshiko will also refer to Yua as "Pink", "Pinkie", "Pinkie-Pie", and sometimes even "My Pink" as nicknames based on her pink hair. The last one also plays off of her nicknames for them.
↳Quick aside, but here is a full list of credits for the OCs mentioned!:
SHOKO: lady-seiros
VAL, KOI, GENJIRŌ: -inkpotts_exe
ISSEI: de9enerate
YUA: Meliruuwu

↳Assigned Female at Birth/AFAB (Formerly)
↳Agender (Preferred)

↳They/Them/Theirself (Everybody)
↳It/Its/Itself (Everybody)
↳Neopronouns (in no particular order of preference): Boba, Tea, End, Nova, Star, Void, Cloud, Ray, Ender, Moon, Sun, Comet, Bee, and Meow, (Only used by close friends/those they can trust to respect and use them properly)
↳Yoshiko prefers it when people, specifically ones they are close to, openly switch between their various pronouns when rendering to them.
↳Example: "Yoshiko? Yes, I know it! They are a really cool person! I heard tea is agender and end uses some really interesting pronouns! Moon is my close friend!"
*For simplicity sake, they/them will be used for the entire form to keep messages coherent.

↳ First Appearance (Series): 15
↳ Current Arc (Manga & Anime): 16

↳31st of August, XXXX
↳According to a chart, the Japanese meaning for the birthday of the 31st of August is "Delusion Star/Star Delusion/Delusion of a Star".

↳Demiromantic; Panromantic (Demi-Pan)
↳Gender does not factor in to who Yoshiko is romantically attracted to (pan), however, they need to have a solid relationship with that person before they actually fall in love with them (demi).

↳Graysexual; Pansexual (Gray-Pan)
↳Gender is not a factor in who Yoshiko is sexually attracted to (pan), however, even though they can sometimes feel sexual attraction, it is very rare (gray).

↳Quirked human

↳ Japanese

↳Mixed (Asian and white)

↳Japanese Sign Language (JSL)
↳British Sign Language (BSL)

↳O Negative

◇[BLOOD TYPE]◇↳O Negative

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[NIGHTMARE] | Hogosha YoshikoHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin