Part 1 - Thieves in the Night

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"Sorry to keep you waiting." Nate slipped back behind the  counter, the bracelet's satisfying weight in his pocket. "What can I get you?" He turned to face his newest customer.

A young woman with dark hair with reddish tints. "Oh, I'm not quite ready to order yet. I'll wait a little longer."

"Waiting for someone?"

"Yeah - no. I was supposed to be meeting someone - about an hour ago."


"Yeah... Looks like I've been stood up."

"I'm sorry, that sucks."

"Thanks. I guess it's good though - if he's not respectful enough to let me know or even show up, then he's not worth my time."

"True. His loss."

"Thanks, Amigo. So yeah, I guess I will order now."

"Sounds good, what can I get you?"

He made her laugh by making a show of mixing the drinks and then came around to sit with her on the bar stools. They chatted about odds and ends. Nate learned her name was Ramona and she was in town visiting her dad. 

At the end of the night when she went to pay for her drink, he insisted that it was on the house. 

"At least let me tip for the lovely service and company." She handed him a few small bills.

"Thank you. Have a good night."

"You as well. And nice trick by the way, with the lighter and the bracelet." And with one last smile, and a wink, she was off.

Nathan took a second to absorb her words - she had seen. 

He was just stuffing her tip in his pocket when he felt around - the bracelet was gone. 

"Ah crap-"

That was when he noticed something along with the bills she had given him: a business card, of sorts at least. It had a name, Victor Sullivan, and an address which was several blocks from here.

She was sneaky, he had to give her that. 

He changed out of his work clothes and followed his phone's GPS. Tricking the doorman of the building, he grabbed the keys and headed up to the apartment number on the card.

The apartment was big, and very museum-like, filled with several artifacts. Nate smiled, thinking of Sam.  

Sudden footsteps snapped him out of his trance of memories and he turned to see Ramona herself.

"Hola, Nathan. Long time no see."

"Ramona. If that's even your name."

"It is."

"Yeah, I take it you're not Victor Sullivan."

"No, I am." A guy in about his forties entered the room.  "Hey kid."


"Nathan Drake, we have a proposition for you."

(Okay, there we are, first part done! 

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! :))

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