67: X-ternally Bound-2

Start from the beginning

"Fine," Gambit said. Maybe if he talked to them first, he could tell them these people were just crazy, and they might not kill them all right off... The X-men had at least fought them before.

It wasn't that long of a walk to the Thieves' headquarters, but in the humidity, it was wearing on the others. Kurt was all right. He kept poofing ahead of them...until he found a huge spider in one tree he was on and a snake in another, and then he was alarmed and poofed back to walk.

"I guess I'm not very used to large animals, living in a monastery," he said sheepishly.

Logan had his claws ready.

Storm acted like nothing about this bothered her. She'd seen worse in Africa and Egypt. Even a gator would not have shaken her. Crocodiles were more dangerous.

All too soon, they were coming through the trees up to the house of the Thieves.

The guard outside did a double take.

"Remy?" he said, of course in the same accent.

"Hey." Gambit tried to think how to do this. "Where's Bobby?"

"He around," the Thief replied. "You finally come back?"

"No," Gambit said. "We have business with y'all."

"We don't have any business with outsiders," the Thief eyed the X-men.

"We can handle this," Shine said to Gambit.

"I know how you handle," Gambit said. "You say exactly what you think, and dat stupid around here."

Wally rolled his eyes. "Why over-complicate things?"

"Yeah, tell him, babe," Shine said.

"We're here to get rid of your External goddess," Wally said, before Gambit could stop him.

The Thief went from annoyed to furious real fast. "What in tarnation did you jus' say?"

"What is tarnation?" Kurt hissed.

"Uh...I dunno, really," Rogue said.

"It's an euphemism for hell," Mystique said.

"How d'you know that and I don't?" Rogue said.

"Please, Rogue, I had to learn how to talk like y'all while I was posing as that woman," Mystique said in that accent flawlessly. "Some research was required."

"I guess I never thought of that," Rogue said. "Also, is he gonna shoot us?"

The Thief looked like he might do just that.

"Well, what is dis?" he demanded of Gambit.

"Dey crazy," Gambit said. "Dey say dey gon' to come here and stir things up. I need to talk to Bobby."

"Oh, you'll talk to him all right, and he'll say we should shoot the lot of ya!" the Thief said. 

He banged on the door.

"You tell him to hurry, Jean Luc," Shine said, in an odd voice [Jean, pronounced with the French accent, is a man's name, rhymes with John. Not like Jean the American version]

The Thief turned around. "How did...? Remy, you go tellin' my name?"

"I ain't...told dem no one..." Gambit was a little unnerved.

"Got 'em again." Wally low-fived Shine.

"How's that toe healing up?" Shine asked Jean Luc, in the same tone.

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