Natasha walked over to the bed to find her younger sister on top of Kennedy. Natasha shakes her head as she climbs in the bed beside the two of them.

"Bad dream?" Kennedy asks softly. Natasha looks over at her to see Kennedy's eyes still closed.

"Yeah," Natasha says.

"Yelena had one too," Kennedy says, "She said the vacuum monster was back to get her."

Natasha smiles, "Not the vacuum monster."

"I tried telling her vacuums are friendly, but she doesn't believe me," Kennedy says, "What was your dream about?"

Natasha's silent for a moment before she softly answers, "Losing you."

Kennedy opens one eye as she looks over at Natasha, "Seriously?"

"Seriously," Natasha says as she lays on her side.

"You're never going to lose me," Kennedy tells her, "I promise."

"Even if I move away?"

"We can be pen pals," Kennedy says, "It depends on where you move, but most letters only take three days to send."

Natasha slides closer to Kennedy, resting her head on her shoulder and placing her hand on Yelena's back. Yelena twitches at the touch, snuggling closer to Kennedy.

"You're my safe place."

"Really?" Kennedy asks in a soft voice, "No one's told me that before."

"I'm sure Yelena thinks so," Natasha says, "I mean look at her. She's starfish."

Kennedy smiles as she looks at Yelena.

"I hope I stay a safe place for you guys."

Natasha smiles at her, "You will. I know it."

After crying, taking a shower, and being held by Melina, Kennedy was finally able to fall asleep. The older widow left Kennedy alone in the room before heading out to the living room to find Natasha, instead, she found Wanda who was sitting on the couch in thought.

She notices Melina and nods toward the door, indicating that Natasha was outside. Melina smiled at her thankfully before going outside, finding Natasha sitting on the steps. She took a seat beside her and sighed.

"For a moment, we're going to pretend that we're two former assassins that used to be mother and daughter," Melina states.

Natasha's eyebrows furrow, "That's exactly what we are though."

Melina smiles, "I know."

Natasha snorts and shakes her head as she looks at the green pastures before her, "This is all my fault."

"Yes, it is," Melina tells her, and Natasha looks over at her. Melina shrugs in response, "I'm not going to lie to you."

"Thanks," Natasha says, "How is she?"

"She believes that she can no longer have a family and she's questioning her feelings for you."

Natasha's eyes fall shut and she buries her face in her knees. This is what she had wanted to avoid four years ago. However, Kennedy had adjusted to her lifestyle with great ease. It was Natasha who hadn't been able to adjust to the one Kennedy wanted.

"That woman loves you," Melina states, "And she is fighting herself to hold on to that love, but Natasha you have to give a little."

She looks at Melina. What did she know about it? Aside from a three-year-long fake marriage, she'd never been in a relationship. Melina picks up on her skeptical look and she looks away from Natasha as she looks straight ahead.

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