1/The Call

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Bruce P.O.V

I sit in my desk chair working on some old files while Damian sits on the leather couch reading one of the many books I own. "I'm board," he groans. I simply ignore him seeing as he's been complaining for the last two hours. I raise my hand just in time to catch the book being chucked at me. "If you're so board then go find something to do. Bother Dick or Alfred. I don't care either way," I grumble. He's about to say something snarky back when my phone rings. "Hello," I speak into it. "Brucey," says a voice I haven't heard in over a decade. "Melissa?" I say into the phone. "Bruuuce, it's been so long," she slurs out. "Are you drunk?" I ask her, already knowing the answer. "Nooo *giggles*. Okay, maybe I am. That and a little high. okay, a lot high. Anyways, that's now why I called. I called for Brett." She giggles again. I take a sip on my coffee as I wait for her response. "Your son silly," she's says in a 'duh' tone. I choke on my coffee as I sit up straight. 'What do you mean 'son'?" I ask her. This catches the attention of Damian. "16 years ago, you and I had hot, steamy shower sex and before I knew it, I had a bun in the oven." She says. I pinch the bridge of my nose as I try to process the new information given to me. "Why are you only telling me of this now?" I ask angrily. "Cause I need you to take him in. I can't raise him anymore and his life is going as down hill as can be." I sigh into the phone. "Where do you live?" I ask her. "Los Angeles," she slurs once more. "I'm sure the incredible Bruce Wayne can find the rest." With those words she hangs up. I pinch the bridge of my nose as I lean against my desk. "So, who'd you knock up this time?" Damian smirks. I send him a sharp glare. "Turns out you have a sixteen year old brother," I sigh. "Damn. And I thought you missed out on my life," he remarks. "Oh, shut the hell up," I tell him. "Go get Dick and Alfred," I tell him. He rolls his eyes like the arrogant brat he is before leaving the room. Moment's later, both Dick and Alfred enter the room. Both of them are wearing amused expressions. "Another little Bruce, huh?" Dick chuckles. "Okay you two. Let it all out," I tell them. "I have nothing to say Master Wayne. I just think that you could be a lot more careful." This only causes Dick to burst out laughing. "Damn man, you're good. I mean, two baby momma's in four years, You hit a new record," he laughs. "This is not funny. Even though I don't know this kid, I'm worried about him. His mother called me drunk and high claiming that she couldn't raise him anymore and that his life is going down hill. They live in California and that's exactly where we'll go. I'll need the three of you to pack your bags," I inform them.

We're in L.A before I know and we quickly make our way to Melissa's house. When we get there, Damian knocks on the door. We hear footsteps inside and the sound of things falling before the door is opened. What I see in front of me shocks me. Melissa is frail and obviously on drugs. I can tell by the eyebags under her eyes and the slight dilation in her eyes. Is this the same woman I met 16 years ago. Melissa was once the prettiest woman in all of Vegas. She was a night club singer and a damn good one at that. She made enough money to support the kid so 
I know that's not what happened. "Bruce," she smiles. "Come in." She steps aside and we all enter the house. Judging by the state she's in, the house is surprisingly clean. "You won't be seeing Brett for a while. He won't be home until probably 2. She says. "In the morning?" Dick ask surprised. "Yep. Our sons a street racer. It's what brings the money in on this place." She says. She was right. She really is in no shape to take care of him. I feel worry settle in my stomach. I don't care that my son's making money illegally. I scared for his childhood. What did he go through. "Can you tell us where his next race is?" Damian ask. "I think he said 722 East Kensington Road." She slurs. She picks up another bottle and takes a swig. Just how far has she fallen. "If you get there by midnight, you should be able to see him race." She informs us. "Thanks Melissa." With tat, we leave the house. "Wow dad. I thought you had better taste than that," Damian remarks. "She wasn't always like that. She was one of the most famous night club singers in Vegas. I honestly don't what could have happened. She had a hefty pay check and was genuely happy with her life. We find ourselves a random restaurant and sit down to eat. The day passes by quickly and before I know it, it's almost midnight. We all arive on the street Melissa told us about only to see sports cars spread all over the place. Three cars are lined up, ready to race. I tap on the shoulder of a random guy and ask him about Brett. "He's not here yet but, you'll know. Everybody loves the kid. One of the best damn things that ever happened here," he says. "He better be good," Damian says. "Oh, he's a lot better than good. If you're friends with him tho, go ask Dom over there. He points to a group of people surrounding a car checking out the engine. The one who stands out the most though is a tall, bald man with muscle. "You Dom?" Dick ask him. "Yeah, why you wanna know?" He ask. "We're here to see Brett Toretto. We're old friends of his," I lie. He nods in response. "The kid'll be here any minute. He'd never miss a race." The sound of a cheering catches our attention as an orange 1994  Toyota Supra makes it's way through the crowd. On the sides are painted purple flames. "Sweet ride," Dick says. "Speak of the devil," Dom smirks. The car stops at the starting point an the door opens. Out steps a teenage boy with pitch black hair that goes down his back in a ponytail. He stands besides his car as a way to represent himself. "pay close attention to the kid. He's the best damn driver I've ever seen," Dom says. "That good, huh?" Damian ask. "Just watch as he passes that finish line." He smirks. The four racers all get inside their vehicles and the referee speaks. "Ya'll better be ready for this," he shouts to the crowd. "I've got a surprise towards the end of this race!" The crowd all cheers as the racer's rev their engines. 





All four cars take off at top speed, Brett's and another car in the lead. He quickly speeds past the corner and we all lose sight of him. Minutes pass before we see all the racer's come around the corner, Brett still being in the lead. Out of nowhere, the street begins to lift up into a ramp. The crowd all cheers at the crazy ass stunt they're pulling.  One of the drivers has the senses to stop while the other three are determined to make it through. Brett being included in those three. While the other two skid off of the road, Brett lands easily and passes by the finish line. The crowd goes wild as he steps out of the car. "Damn," Dick says. "Now that's talent" I stare at Brett in amazement. I've never seen driving like that before


Brett steps out of the car and walks right past us and bro hugs Dom. "How much did you bet?" Dom ask him. "3 thousand. Should keep us settled for a while. The bills are already paid. I feel anger rise in me at the way Melissa has raised him. Is she was going to be this irresponsible, the at least she could have done was inform me of his existence

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2022 ⏰

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