Chapter 1 - A year later.

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Tubbo wakes up after another nightmare. Cold sweat dripping down his forehead. His dream had once again been about Tommy. Its been a year since the blonde went missing, Tubbo hasnt heard anything from him since dream escaped. God, how tubbo wanted to see him again. But all he could do was remember the times they had together. Tubbo yawns and looks to his right. The time is 10:35 AM. It had been so long since Tubbo had actually slept in, so seeing that it was so late, he decided to get up. Tubbo slowly gets out of bed, stretching his arms out as far as he could. He walked slowly to the stairs.

Once he had entered the kitchen, Tubbo was greeted by the smell of bacon and eggs, as well as the sizzling. "How'd you sleep?" Ranboo said, looking worried. Ranboo knew that today would be harder for Tubbo, considering all the looking they had done for Tommy in the past year. "I slept fine" Tubbo replied, yawning. "Wheres Micheal?" The brunette asked. "Hes out with puffy for today. I thought it would be nice to give you a break for the day" Ranboo responded. Ranboo cleaned off a yellow glass plate for the breakfast he made. He then, got a spatula and moved the eggs and bacon to the plate. Ranboo smiled at Tubbo "Breakfast is served" He said as he set the plate in front of the brunette. "Thank you, boo" Tubbo responds, he was really hungry. He hadn't been eating as well as he should've since Tommy went missing. Tubbo scarfed down his food, thanked Ranboo again and went upstairs to get ready for the day.  After Tubbo had gotten ready he went back to the kitchen to let his husband know he was leaving for the day. "Im going out. I'll be home soon!" Ranboo responded "Okay! I'll make sure to do the dishes today!" Tubbo nodded, grabbed his jacket and left. 

Tubbo walked slowly down the prime path, looking down at his feet. He had decided he wants to go to Tommy's old home, just for a while to visit. Once he reached his destination, He looked up at the hut. There were flowers, and a couple signs that wrote "we miss you, big man"  Tubbo sighed. And looked over at the bench him and Tommy used to sit at. There was a familiar figure sitting there. Could it be....Tommy? It couldn't be....His hair wasn't white.

"What happened" -Eburnean tommyinnit AUWhere stories live. Discover now