27. A fight for the bride

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The new ghost was undoubtedly the son, Liu Chao, as mentioned by the several aunties. Gu Ye chased him to the mountainside behind the village, "Liu Chao, come out. Don't you want to find your wife? I can help you."

It was quiet all around with no signs of the ghost coming out. Gu Ye said with a smile: "If you don't come out, your wife's wedding ceremony will be over in half an hour. No one will be able to help you then."

"Who are you? You can see me?" The ghost finally floated out of his hiding place and looked at Gu Ye defensively. 

"I'm Gu Ye, the neighbor across your house." Gu Ye inspected him. Liu Chao's eyes were starting to turn red and the black Qi on his body was abnormal for new ghosts—it seemed that he was about to turn into a malicious spirit. Gu Ye calculated that once Liu Chao blackened, many innocent lives would be lost. However, his wife was even more fierce than him, making her the secret boss.

Liu Chao looked at Gu Ye, "You're that fortune-teller Gu Ye?"

Gu Ye replied in a deep voice, "The Gu Ye you mentioned should be my senior brother, but my name is also Gu Ye."

Liu Chao was a little confused.

Gu Ye smiled and said, "My senior brother said he wanted a younger apprentice brother named Gu Ye so that I could also find an apprentice named Gu Ye, so whoever provokes us would have to stab into this Gu Ye nest. This master Gu plans on jumping around."

Liu Chao's face finally had a hint of joy, "I heard from my family that Gu Ye is very powerful and an immortal!"

Gu Ye squinted at the black aura above the ghost's head. It wasn't getting any worse so he stopped worrying, "Yes, and I can help."

Liu Chao said excitedly: "I can repay you like horse and cow.* I'll be your ghost servant—I'll do anything. Cuicui is very timid. She must be very scared right now. I need to save her." 

(*basically like an animal; repay with labor)

Gu Ye wondered, "Is love something that can make people so crazy?"

Liu Chao firmly answered: "Yes."

Gu Ye understood that love was something that could mentally handicap ghosts.

"Alright, give me her birthdate."

Liu Chao paused to think. A little embarrassed, he said, "I don't know the specific year but her zodiac animal is a rabbit. She was born at noon on the third of July. They say that people born during the afternoon are courageous but she's very timid."

Gu Ye began calculating according to the hundred-year calendar, "I think I got it. Do you have anything of hers? Hurry up, there's not much time."

"My family should have it!"

Gu Ye pulled his legs and ran toward Liu Chao's house. However, Liu Chao was a new ghost. He still hadn't learned how to float faster, so he couldn't catch up with Gu Ye's legs. Gu Ye, a little discontent, decided to tie a golden thread around Liu Chao's body and drag him along like a kite. Like that, they made it to Liu Chao's house in two minutes.

At that moment, the Liu family's mourning decorations were still left in the house and Liu Chao's body had been put in a coffin to be cremated the next day. There was also a phoenix coffin to the side, apparently prepared for Li Cui, but it was unfortunately empty. Liu Chao's mother sat beside the coffin, her tears having dried up. She stared straight at her son's portrait, looking as though she lost her will to live.

Liu Chao cried out in distress: "Mom!"

His mother didn't respond but Liu Chao still wanted to call out to her. Gu Ye tightened the golden thread in his hand and dragged him to the side, "Stop screaming. She can't hear or see you."

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