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(DISCLAIMER: All the characters, and their doings in this book are completely fictional. I am not in support or against any country. This book is for entertainment purposes ONLY)

PLAYLIST: Ghost - Justin Bieber

JUNE, the 11th, 1918

"...Brother, I missed you" Jane softly whispered as  she sobbed into her brother's chest. She eventually broke the hug, and her eyes started scanning the area, as if she was searching for something, or someone in particular.

"Jane....I'm sorr-" her brother, Willis tried to talk while hiding his tears, but failed. 

"Where's Chris?" she frowned. she didn't receive a response, she raised her voice and repeated herself, with a slight breaking in the voice.

her brother handed her a piece of paper, with a trembling hand

(A/n: just pretend that this death announcement was regarding Chris' death in the western front during the first world war in June 1918 and that this letter was addressed to his family, I was too lazy to type all of it down

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(A/n: just pretend that this death announcement was regarding Chris' death in the western front during the first world war in June 1918 and that this letter was addressed to his family, I was too lazy to type all of it down. OKAYY??!!)

"y-you must be joking, t-this c-can't be real, brother why would you joke about something like this?? TELL ME! TELL ME THAT HE'S ALIVE! TELL ME THAT HE'LL COME TO SEE ME, ONCE AGAIN!!! please..."  Jane was soon at loss of words as she realized the silence enveloping her. She never thought she'd live to witness this day. Her heart felt as if someone pulled it out and smashed it into pieces. She cried and cried till she had no tears left. at some point of her life in waiting, she had expected this outcome but never believed it to be real.

January, the 3rd, 1935

                                                                In Flanders fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row,

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

Loved and were loved, and now we lie, In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold it high.

If ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow,

In Flanders fields.

Jane weakly smiled to herself as she read the beautiful piece of poetry.

 Her mind would only think of her loved one, who was now buried 6 feet under the ground even though she tried her best to forget it.

And without her noticing, tears started filling up her eyes. 

She hated the Human race for even thinking of declaring a war against each other. The leaders would never think of the actual sufferers, the people. they only thought of their own benefits. The people never wanted the war, knowing it would result in the damage of not one but a hundred things. Some of which include destruction of the Earth, poor and innocent people who lost their loved ones, the destruction of their homes, and the financial situation of the country. 

He had told her about it all. How much he hated it, but in the end he ended up giving his life for the sake of it. 

Not a day went by when she didn't think back on him, and without regretting not being able to be with him during the last breaths of his life. 

What sin did she commit to deserve this punishment? she asked god. 

"nonna, what's that paper you're holding in your hands?" she heard a voice disrupting her endless line of thoughts

"well, it's a poem...it was written by your grandad" she replied in a weak tone.

(A/N: actually it was originally written by John McRae)

"now that you mention it, we've never heard much about him from you, I barely recognize his face from the photos. could you tell me more about him, and you??" her granddaughter, Evelyn, who just turned 16, had always been the curious kid in the room, so this wasn't surprising at all.

"you really want to know huh?" she smiled at her, caressing her hair as she turned to grab a dusty book from her cabinet, that seemed like it was used to preserve graceful memories, like an album, except there weren't any photos, they were letters.






To be continued...

(A/N: i know you're ready to throw hands at me for the short chapter, but the reason is explainable. I was really excited to type all of it down when i first thought of the plot. But as i started typing it, i felt unmotivated, and thus resulting is this piece of garbage. I promise the next chapter will be way better than this lmao. ilysm <3)

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