that hurt most out of everything her mother had done these past ten years, but of course as selfish as she was, she couldn't bring herself to ruin her mother's perfect family.

she just had to find ways to keep out.


school was always interesting in some way or another and she had been to many over the years. sometimes the teachers were shit. sometimes the curriculum was shit. most of the time the students were shit.

but she found that the third option was what she enjoyed the most. school was boring for someone like her who didn't get good grades anyways and never had much of a passion for singing anyways besides memories of her dad enrolling her in classical singing classes and told her of his dreams to have his daughter be a primadonna.

so the more bitchy her classmates were, the more entertaining.

and it seemed like these kids were the bitchiest she had met.

it didn't worry her, really, when she saw two girls in hallway wearing the cheong ah uniform grabbing a girl's hair with her fist and smashing her face into the locker, bits of conversation she picked up revealing that it was over winning some singing competition or whatever.

so they're in my department, huh, seokkyung thought. this didn't worry her at all. she had never been picked on in her life, thanks to the money, influence, and her personality. if she got bored enough, she joined in sometimes. but it wasn't picking on the underdogs that was her specialty. no, going after the head bitch was more of her thing.

speaking of which, who was in charge around here?

she heard the name "ha eunbyeol" flit about in the hallways here and there and had a suspicion.

"did you see ha eunbyeol's mother's concert?"

"ha eunbyeol got first rank today again!"

- "are you surprised?"

"eunbyeol is such a bitch, did you see how she ignored us earlier? just because our parents aren't in the hera club anymore?"

"eunbyeol-yi is so cool, i think she has a secret boyfriend."

- "hey, come on, she doesn't have time for that when she's consistently top student in the school."

- "didn't you know her mother rigs her scores? being daughter of the foundation's director puts her above everybody."

just fifteen minutes in this school and seokkyung had the information she wanted. "ha eun byeol," she said, emphasizing the syllables.

she smiled to herself and walked into the classroom, taking a seat in the back. students were already flitting about, socializing, but in front of the class sat a girl with short shoulder-length hair, intently highlighting something in her textbook, unaware of the people around her even though she was surrounded by nearly half the classroom.

must be annoying, seokkyung thought, tapping her foot against the desk. wants to appear social but also wants to be left alone but she can't say it cause she doesn't want to be a complete dickhead to these kids whose parents do business with hers.

she snorted to herself before standing up and introducing herself to the kids next to her, some not knowing who she was, the others realizing her parents were the new members of the hera club, or some who had even seen her concert videos from america. by lunch time she had found herself some friends, blending right in.

seokkyung sat with her friends at the far left end of the cafeteria, watching the short-haired girl chat with her own friends with a sugary sweet smile that she dropped every few seconds as she stared down at her tray, her eyes becoming unfocused as her head drifted off to a place only she knew.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2022 ⏰

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