Chapter 3: Stealing

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Third pov.

As takemichi was walking back home, surprisingly she was still not tired of walking since she had been walking from the till now

She was just minding her own business, holding the folding baton that she had everytime she leaves her apartment to feel more safe

As she was walking she heard a female screaming stop

So she ran to the ally and saw a guy getting beaten up by some random dude's wearing a uniform, while the girl was getting held

So she pushed the guy who was kicking the poor guy and examined his injury

Jerk #1 "oi who are you to push me you bitch" the jerk pulled takemichi's hair

While takemichi twisted his arm

Takemichi "don't you dare touch me" takemichi said darkly, making the other guys shiver

Jerk #2 "o-oi how dar-" the guy pimted his finger to takemichi and didnt even got to finish his sentenced when takemichi broke his finger

Jerk #2 "agkkk" he shouted with pain

While the other guys started getting scared and ran away

Leaving the two injured and knocked out guys, as takemichi see the others ran away she went back to the girl and the guy who was getting beaten

Takemichi "are you guys ok?" Takemichi changed her emotions real quick, comforting the two

??? "Y-yeah thanks for saving us" the guy said holding his injured arm while his girlfriend was assisting him

Takemichi "we should go to the hospital" takemichi said to the two couple

Takemichi brought the two to the nearest hospital so that they can get treated, after getting treated the two thanked takemichi for saving them again

Takemichi "no no its fine" takemichi smiled at them

Kaori "im kaori yamada Im very thankful for saving us or else we would've been dead by now" kaori bowed respectfully to takemichi

Haruto "Thank you very much im haruto fujiwara" her boyfriend also bowed respectfully thanking takemichi

Takemichi "its fine no need to bow im takemichi Hanagaki" takemichi smiled to them reassuring the two

Haruto "u-um hey can i ask a question?" Haruto asked takemichi

Takemichi "um sure!" Takemichi answered confused on what he will ask

Haruto "seeing you fight, perhaps are you part of any gang?" Haruto asked kinda nervous

Takemichi "oh well im not hehe" takemichi answered scratching the back of her hair

Haruto "ah is that so" Haruto said, quiet excited to tell his friend about this girl

Few minutes later takemichi went home since she was starting to get tired so she walked back home, bidding goodbye to the two couple

Takemichi "ah~ finally home" takemichi moaned a little and laid to her soft sofa, she was very sleepy but decided to go and take a short shower before going to bed

The next day takemichi felt very refreshed, and started her day by cooking her breakfast

Takemichi "what should i do next..." Takemichi looked around her house she had nothing to do she was very lonely...

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