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Raquel and Sergio were in the classroom setting up their plans to steal gold from the bank of Spain and well doing that they were just chit-chatting
R: I am so tired *she says will yawning*
S: Same we have been up so late preparing to show the others our perfect plan! I cant wait.
R: Same but do you think they trust me since I was apart of the police and tried to bring you guys down?
S: No! I think they just had a hard adjusting with you being around don't worry about it they trust you now okay so don't worry about it!
R: Thank you so much! You always make me feel so much better about these things! I love you
S: I love you more
Sergio who was never really good at expressing emotions was somewhat good at it when it came to his love towards Raquel. Raquel leans in for a kiss and Sergio does the same. But when out of the conner of Sergios eye saw Palermo coming Sergio pushed Raquel away from him.
Sergio never like to kiss Raquel in front of the gang thankfully Raquel understand and left that for that for their bedroom in their own privacy.
But Sergio pushed Raquel a little to hard and she went flying into one of the desk in the classroom.  When Raquel got up she put her hand behind her head because she felt something dripping and her head cold and when she checked her hand she saw
Sergio felt really bad by pushing her that hard because it might trigger something about her past. Sergio ran over to Raquel and help her up.
R: Sergio my love, my head is bleeding and it hurts.
Raquel started to cry because her head hurt so bad Sergio didn't care anymore about not liking to show affection towards Raquel and took her in his arms and when he let her go her eye were red and puffy. 

Sergio turns Raquel around really slowly not to hurt her more and there it was a BIG red spot in the middle of her head it was dripping with blood it was really bad.
Sergio brought her over to the medical kit and help and with her head. Raquel was really mad but right now she couldn't she didn't have the head to scream at Sergio.
After class it was Raquels chance to yell and scream at Sergio so she took him to their room and after she closed the door she started with just talking before she started to yell just in case she didn't need to.
R: Why and i cant Stretch this enough the hell you would do that Sergio. I get that you don't like to kiss and be all gross in front of our friends but really had to push me that hard!
S: Look Raquel I am so sorry about that but like I said I don't like to show affection but i am not making up a excuse for what i did but I get way you're mad because I did push you harder then i normally would and I really didn't think that you would go flying like that!

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