Chapter five: The Suspicion

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"Mitsuri-chan?" I was a little confused why the girl was taking me here. The festival stretched as far as the eye could see, expansive rows of lights, shops, and games. 

"We have do get (y/n)-chan something to celebrate!" 

"C-celebrate what? I don't remember anything happening!" I sweat dropped, Mitsuri didn't know what she was talking about, did she?

"(Y/n)-chan has a tsuguko!" She squealed, "Haven't you heard?" 

Now, this I hadn't heard. My eyes widened slightly, "Ara ara, no, I hadn't heard!" 

"And they're her age, a boy~! I wonder if they're cute together!" 

"Didn't you want her to get together with Iguro-san?" Her face fell at my quizzical expression. she seemed to think about it for a second. 

"You're right! Gah! A harem would be cute, but I don't want Iguro-kun to feel sad!" She looked like she was going to cry. I sighed lightly. 

"Let's just look for (y/n)-chan's present," The pink and green girl seemed to calm down from the suggestion, "And let's slit up. We'll be able to deliver it to her tonight if we find it soon."

"Hai!" She nodded seriously before bouncing off to the nearest stall. 

Suddenly, something caught my eye. A stand displaying multiple different haoris seemed to be a gap in the crowd. I walked through the crowd and realized the area around the stand wasn't completely empty. There was a boy, about eleven or twelve. I followed his eyes to a haori that particularly caught my eye. It was dark blue and faded to a light blue near the bottom. There where cream-colored stars decorating it, and the rims of the sleaves had designs of red chains. there where moon designs on the bottom bordered with purple moon designs. It was perfect for (y/n)-chan. 

"excuse me?" I smiled to the shopkeeper, stepping in front of the boy and pointing to the haori. "How much for this one?" 

"two thousand three hundred," I was slightly surprised, the Haori was well crafted, and the elderly woman selling it was clearly not too well of. 

"No, no! It's eight thousand and that's final! Such lovely craftsmanship shouldn't go for such a meager cost!" I put the money down on the table and the woman's eyes widened, before softening to an apologetic expression. 

"My apologies, but it's already sold anyway," she pointed to the boy I'd seen before, as he seemingly stared into the sky, before he looked towards me. His wistful expression seemed to disappear as he looked at me, then the haori, then back to me. 

"Oi! That already belongs to someone!" He grabbed the haori and glared at me before looking to the old woman, "as soon as I can afford it..."

"Ara ara~" I smiled at the boy, trying to not show my frustration. "Who's it for, exactly? It can't possibly be more important than-" 

"(y/n)-san.... deserves it. She saved me, and I'll never forget that," I was upset at him for interrupting me, till I noticed the hints of pink tint. Ah, he had a crush on (y/n)-chan, did he~?

"Keep the money," the smile I sowed the woman was genuine this time. "I'll pay for it for him."

I didn't give him a chance to respond, hurrying to catch up to Mitsuri-chan. (y/n) would get the haori anyway, and it would be more special this way. After catching up to Mitsuri, we continued to look, but everything was either bought by someone else, not something (y/n) would like, or just impractical. We were about to head back, till I saw something that surprised me.  Nudging the pink haired girl beside me, I pointed to the wholesome sene in front of me, (y/n)-chan and Iguro-san. 

"Kya~!" She covered her mouth, jumping up and down, "They got together, they got together!" 

Suddenly, I noticed something that scared me, just a little. 


A boy with long black and mint hair, clutching a haori and silently crying. The part that was the most surprising, was the look in his eyes. He looked ready to kill someone.

~Taisho era secrets~ 

- Muichiro was ready to kill someone. He really wanted  to kill Iguro. 


-Muichiro is in a mentally ill state. He's grasped on the only thing/person he remembers. He's grown an unhealthy attachment to her. 

-Mitsuri and Shinobu are baking a cake and planning a party for (y/n), since they couldn't find her a present. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2022 ⏰

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