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The next day you found out what Hanako meant by what he said. He didn't mean anything sexual, he just made you and Yashiro clean the bathroom everyday after school. Which sucked but if this was what it was going to take to get him to trust you, so be it. Yashiro complained the whole time though, which made you want to kill her but you couldn't do that to your best friend. "Please let us have a break Hanako-kun" Yashiro complained every single day when they started cleaning, but Hanako would just sit there floating and wouldn't answer with this kid-like smile on his face. Luckily after you were done and Hanako said you guys could leave, you were on your way to your dormitory which was unfortunately all the way on the other side of the school, so Kou, you, and Mitsuba walked together and you thought this was a great time to get to know each other. "What do you like to do y/n?" Kou asked
"Well, I really like photography, and music, and my favorite color is f/c" You said. "Really?! Well you and Mitsuba have something in common. Mitsuba likes photography too" Kou said smiling. Once you guys got to the dormitory, Kou left to go to bed, but Mitsuba asked you to stay for awhile and to go outside with him, you accepted of course. Mitsuba walked over to the edge of the rooftop, took the camera that was hung around his neck and looked through the lenses and took a picture of the birds flying over the sunset. You thought Mitsuba looked so graceful, his pink hair and oversized outfit swayed with the wind. Mitsuba turned around and smiled, "Can I take a picture of you?" He said
"Of course"
You stood behind the sun, your silhouette shining. Mitsuba brought his camera up to his eye and pressed the button.
Mitsuba stared at the camera for what seemed like a long time, which made you worried. "What? Is it bad?" You asked. He looked at you and smiled, eyes shining. "No, of course not" His sweet features made your face heat up. 'He's so adorable' you thought. "We should go get some sleep" you said. Then both of you walked back inside and Mitsuba walked you to your room and said "Goodnight y/n" in a soft voice, and walked away. You whispered "goodnight Mitsuba" only for him too hear as he walked towards his dorm room. You turned away, opened your room door and went to bed thinking of him that night.

Word count:437

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