Chapter 2 -talking is silver, silence is gold, diamond is?-

Depuis le début

„Can we play now, pineapple?"

Jozu shook his head at his men. Most of them blushed and some even had a nosebleed. Perhaps he should tell Ace about that and let the fire user have some fun with men to stop them from acting like that. „Don't be such perverts, yoi." Marco looked annoyed and slightly angry.

„Why are they acting like Sanji?"

„'Cause they were too long in the sun and think you are food."

„What I am food for them? I don't want to be eaten. I'll beat them up if they try."

„You will not. Not in this clothes, yoi."

„Do they look bad on me?" Luffy tilted his head and looked confused at the blonde.

Jozu could see that Marco didn't want to answer. Well not in front of the crew. „Training is over. Go to the showers directly or you won't have time for dinner." The blonde lifted an eyebrow at his order, but Jozu didn't care. He didn't need to know what was going on. He just knew that some privacy was needed. When everyone was away, Jozu wanted to go, too. But he was stopped by Luffy.

„Oi, sparkle. Did you send them away so Marco can be alone with me? Then thank you. Because he had too much to do to stay alone with me", the boy grinned. Marco looked like he wanted to facepalm. „Luffy..."

„Ops, it was supposed to be a secret. Please don't tell anyone, sparkle, and please don't be mad, Marco." Luffy looked at Marco with a pout and big puppy eyes. The blonde groaned and turned his eyes to Jozu.

„I won't tell."

„See, Marco, nothing to worry. It's not like everyone knows. Only Ossan and Izo know from your crew. So now it is one more and I'll get more hugs from you." Marco looked defeated.

„No one would judge you and it would make the others stop looking at him."

„I'll think about it, Jozu. Just don't tell anyone, yet. Especially not Ace."

„Don't worry. I'll protect you from Ace." And with that Luffy pressed a kiss on Marco's cheek. The annoyed look on the blonde's face vanished and was replaced with a soft expression.

„Well, I'm leaving. Don't be out too long, if you want it to be hidden any longer."

And with that Jozu went inside to take a quick shower himself. The men were already undressing and talking quickly about something, which the third division commander didn't understand and didn't try to. Well, that was until the topic went to a certain straw hat wearing brat. „He ate the gum-gum-no-mi so he is made out rubber. Imagine how it would feel to..." Jozu didn't need to hear the end to put the man through a wall. „Listen. I know some of you a frustrated but take care of it yourself and don't think about using Ace's little brother if you want live. Our second division commander has a brother-complex, if you haven't noticed, yet." /And our first division commander is scary when people, who he cared deeply about, are involved/, he added in his thoughts. But that was something he would leave out for the moment. Until the relationship was official to everyone. Then there will be some funny moments.

„Jozu, I hope the man did something to be put into a wall." That was the greeting of his captain when he went to him to report after the shower.

„Well, if Ace was there, there would be more damage tot he ship."

„So there was something about the brat? It was the clothes, right. I told Izo, he would draw a lot of unwanted attention to the boy." Whitebeard laughed.

„Is there a reason why they didn't raid Ace's room for clothes?" Whitebeard smirked and took a sip from his sake.

„Didn't you already see the reason?" The eyes of his father figure then went to his left side.

Jozu followed the look and saw the unofficial couple. Luffy seemed to have talk Marco into giving him a piggyback ride. The boy cheered and laughed while he clung to the blonde. His legs were now covered by leggings, but he was still wearing the kimono. Well, that way was better than one of the two clothes missing. Marco's face was unreadable for most of the crew. But he could see from the slight tug on his lips that the blonde hide a smirk.

„Don't you think that your brother is wrapped around a little finger, Jozu?"

„Perhaps a bit."

„I have to think about this old saw. Talking is silver, silence is gold, where does it leave you as a diamond?"

„Protection is diamond." Whitebeard laughed.

„Good answer. So I have a commander for each part of the old saw and one extra." Jozu turned his head. „Silver is Thatch. His swords. Gold is Marco. Look closely at his Phoenix form. And the extra is diamond part." Jozu nodded and allowed a smirk on his one face. Yeah, it fits the old saw. Thatch likes to talk, Marco was a great secret keeper, except when Luffy is involved, and he himself protect his family and the people, who they care for if needed.

Until they notice Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant