"Gilligan." Eunice Howell said as they walked in.

"Hey Mrs. Howell." Gilligan smiled as he gave her a hug.

"Its so good to see you my boy." Thurston Howell said as he gripped his hand firmly. "Is the Skipper or Mary Anne with you?"

"No." Gilligan said. "Skipper does not I came here." He said as they sat down. "Mary Anne would have come but couldn't because of work." A maid brought in a tray of drinks and handed it to Gilligan. "Thank you." He then took a sip and said "She sends her love."

"So how are you plans for the wedding coming along?" Eunice Howell asked.

"Good." Gilligan said. "Very good."

"Are you getting excited?" Thurston asked.

"Yes." He said. "And a little nervous."

"Well if you can face off with a group of gangsters a wedding is nothing." Thurston said.


"So what brings you here?" Thurston asked.

"I've been thinking a lot about our time on the island." Gilligan said. "The people we met over the years. Out of all the people who we crossed paths with there is one has been on my mind ever since we returned to Hawiia."

"Who?" Thurston asked but he and his wife had a guess who it was.

"The Jungle boy." Gilligan said. The jungle boy was a young teen they had met during their first year on the island. They had no idea who he was or how he came to the island. They believed that he must have come as a young child but we were not sure how he had managed so long on his own. He lived deep in the jungle but they never did find out where.

Any evidence that may have led to his identity was probably gone now. Sunk to the bottom of the Pacific with the island.

"There has not been a day that has gone by that I have not thought about him." Gilligan told them. "I kept wanting to come out and talk to you guys about him but Skipper kept telling me not to bother you with it." A look of annoyance crossed his face. "And then I was with my family and I was looking at my nephew Thomas thinking how he was the same age as the jungle boy when we last saw him."

"Actually we have been thinking about him too." Thurston said.

"We were discussing him just the other night with our son Thurston and his wife. Wondering what happened to him after he was rescued from the hot air balloon, did he go to college, is he married, a father."

"I wondered that too." Gilligan said. "He probably wouldn't even remember us but I just want to make sure that he is okay." He then looked at the Howells his eyes pleading with them. "Can you find him?"

"Yes." Thurston said. "Yes we can."

A look of relief crossed his face. "Thank you." He then stood up and hugged the two.

Gilligan had dinner with the Howells and then went back to his hotel where he called Mary Anne. She was happy to learn that the Howells were going to help him find him. That he can finally stop worrying about the boy and feeling guilty over letting him fly off on the hot air balloon that day.

I just hope that he's led a happy life these fifteen years.

The next day Gilligan returned to the Minnow II. The Skipper was overseeing a couple of the younger deckhands as they scrubbed the deck. "Hey Skipper."

"Hey Gilligan." Jonas Grumby said. "How was your trip to New Jersey?"

Gilligan gave the mountain of a man an uncomfortable look as he said "I didn't go to New Jersey."

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