I never knew the world could be so rich with color.

I feel like I could switch jobs and become a poet right now.

I'm not talking the embarrassing kind of stuff most teenagers write. I mean real, beautiful poetry!

Just so we're clear, I'm not actually gonna do it, but I definitely could if I wanted to.

Oh, right. At this very moment, directly in front of me are the dusty, crumbling remains of a fortress.

It was a fortress through and through, it was massive in size, I think even a Arch Taratect won't be able to get out of here.

I guess it makes sense that people would want to take certain measures to prevent monsters from exiting this Labyrinth.

The uncomfortable sensation of Appraisal goes through my body-

Guards: "Alert! Demons! Prepare for counter measures!"

The Guards there throws high level Elemental Magic.

There were about 300 them there.

Of course the three of us expertly dodge every attack.

When I dodged 'em, I reflexively shot some [Gravity Collapse] at the guards there, ya'know?


Well, time to play dumb.

I have no idea what happened here.

The fortress just vanished in some mysterious freak incident. It had nothing to do with me.

The only other witnesses have passed on to the next life by now, and my accomplices-I mean my travel mates also don't know anything, making it the perfect crime. The statute of limitations'll be long over before you get any proof!

Smell ya' later, suckers!

I along with the two flee the crime sce-I mean, We leave the collapsed fortress behind, trying to stay out of sight.

I am a Demon, after all. If any humans catch a glimpse of me, it ain't gonna end well. Especially since I'm the culpr- Ahem, I mean, since the three of us are this close to the area where that mysterious incident occurred.

Ugh, how could anyone do something so awful?!

I could easily be mistaken for the culprit!

I'm innocent, I tell you!

Okay, self-suggestion complete.

Even a lie detector won't catch me now! HAHAHAHAHAHA-*cough* *cough*!

Since the Kingdom of Ohts is now a no go we decided to take a detour.

On the way to Sariella, We've incountered a carriage being attacked.(And since this chapter is not my nor the other characters' present on that occasion chapter, I'll just summarize what happened.)

Honestly I don't care what happens to them but I soon realize that this might be the one cliché that I have to save a Noble or Royalty to have them as an ally.

So me being the powerful Demon that I am easily wiped out the weakling there.

Just like that I become acquainted with the Lord of Keren county, and his family.

I was even rewarded a small sack of gold, though I don't know how much it is worth...

One day when the three of us were visiting a city of Sariella, I decided to cook a Ramen, with the ingredients found in this world of course while traveling I was investigating this world's spices, and ingredients that could be a substitute to the spices and ingredients on Earth.

So I'm Rouge, So what? Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora