[Episode 7 school]

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When I got back to the other side of the portal? I guess I could call it a portal anyways, The sun was shining brightly on my face. It seemed to be early morning. Wait morning? Oh shit! I have school today!

"Mom! I'll have to miss breakfast today. I'm late for school!" I shouted as I burst through the back door running into the kitchen to where my mom was on the phone sitting at the middle table.

"Wait Young man!" she shouted and I stopped in place somewhat in fear.

"Yes ma'am...?" I asked, turning my head to face her. She quickly hung up the phone and stood in front of me with a stern look and sharp eyes filled with anger.

"What were you doing in the backyard? Why are your clothes and hair so ruffled?" She questioned crossing her arms and tapping her foot.

"Mom would you believe me if I told you I was going to the Taisho era to be buddies with some swordsmen from the demon slayer corps?" I smiled looking up at her half expecting her to beat my ass after this.

"Why didn't you say so sooner? You worried me, you know when I got home you weren't there next time tell me!" she smiled at me then pushed me out the front door slamming it behind me as I stood like a deer in the headlights.

"Da fuck just happened?" I murmured to myself before it hit me that I was late for school!

    God I hate opening the door when my whole class is inside they're gonna stare at me!!! I thought as I mentaly prepared myself for the prying eyes that probably weren't going to care for long. When Haru showed up behind me grabbing my shoulder with a smile.

"Yo (Y/n) whats up you're late!" he laughed, turning me to face him.

"Haru! You scared me!" I whisper shouted as I held my chest from the small jump scare. "Anyways are you skipping?" I asked.

"No, I was planning to go in... Later." He said looking to the side lying through his teeth.

"Aha and I'm the Emperor, get your ass in class!" I demanded and Haru ran to pull the door open laughing as we both walked in.

"Bruhhh we could have waited a bit longer, the teacher still isn't here!" Haru shouted as he tried to walk back out. I slapped my hand right in the middle of his face, making him step back.

"No I was joking, I'm serious let go of the face! How am I supposed to get a girl when I'm in class come on bro!" He shouted as I dragged him by the face to his seat right in front of mine.

"Sit, the teacher will be here soon and I don't wanna give you my notes later on." I ordered with a strict tone.
"Damn." Haru pouted, laying his head on his desk.

I sat looking out the window thinking about the events of yesterday. Why didn't mom react at all? I was supposedly gone all night yet she didn't worry and the Hashira I met seemed like nice people but they might as well be from a different world. I mean I'm still trying to wrap my head around supernatural creatures who eat humans at night. I think I might have gone crazy last night was just in my head right? Maybe I should try again tonight-

"Hey you okay?" Haru asked and I turned around to face him. He looked worried.

"Yea Im good just got lost in thought why?

"Naw it's just that I called your name a few times and you didn't answer me..." Haru smiled then went back to playing on his phone. After that I couldn't think of anything other than the room that led to the Taisho era. Maybe I should study up on history more? But the History could be fabricated and not true but still they couldn't have changed that much right.? I turned the block to my house and walked inside.

"I'm home!" No answer as I opened the door to the seemingly quiet house. "She must still be at work and Grandpa is hopefully not dead and just sleeping. Maybe I should ask him about the Taisho room." I muttered to myself taking off my shoes at the entrance.

"This is getting too convenient ya know. Being all alone when I just discovered a time machine in my backyard as I'm left unsupervised." I muttered walking through the empty house placing my hand on the door knob that led to the backyard. I stopped and let the door handle go.

"It would be rude to go back without gifts. I should bring some food, maybe I can get on better terms with some of them?" I muttered as I walked to my bedroom to change and get my wallet.

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Pick an outfit or make your own sorry for not including your style ❤️

As I changed and got a small bag I wrote a note and left it on the counter for my mom.

I walked out to the mall and looked around. I got a bunch of money in savings so I can get some pretty good stuff. I should make a list on my phone.

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