No Appetite & The Reality.

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Wake up with no appetite,
Not willing to move, to disappear.
Because you didn't ask to be in this world.
All you can do is live it and it'll feel like too much work.
You could end it, but you shouldn't.
Sometimes Darkness is Just Darkness and Emptiness.
No appetite, no energy, not willing to breathe because you are just sick and tired of being here.
No willing in life because you have lost all of the love you had left in yourself.
Lives end and start. One ends another is born.
Just like your living parallel lives.

There's love, lost, losing, winning.
People cheer for those who win a fight and boo those who lose a fight.
But in reality, if the two fighters are still standing at the end nobody lost.
If one fighter is standing and the other is dead. There are no winners.
Because the loser is the Murderer. And the dead person is just a body.
The murderer who killed the body, lost because he wasted his time on killing the person he hated.
And got sent to hell.
In the end, the murderer lost and all those people who cheered for the fight won.
Because they got what they wanted.
And the body is nothing, but a victim who was cheered to also kill the murderer, but ended up being murdered. And sending the Murderer to hell. So tell me are there winners in Fights?

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