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Mind:Soul why are you always hurt ?
Don't you get tired
Don't you get tired of the lies
Don't you get tired of the promises
Don't you get tired of these fake people
Don't you get tired of giving second chances
Don't you get tired of forgiving
Don't you wanna give up sometimes

Why don't you stop being nice
And treat others the way they do

Soul:No I don't get tired
I can't change who I am
I was created in the best form
Who am I to hate me ?
And I can't pay evil with evil
I don't blend in most places
That's how I want it

Mind: poor soul . No one will appreciate your kindness and your soul . You will just end up in pain , why don't u save yourself from that and change . Or the pain will change you eventually

LOST IN THOUGHTS जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें