Two broken hearts make one

Start from the beginning

"Move the camera I want to see it!" I take the tablet and change the camera so that it is now focusing on the cat, "Oh she's so cute! What are you going to name her?" She asks me.

"I think I'm going to call her Natty," I say picking up the small cat carefully.

"Oh because of Miss. Romanoff?" Shuri asks me and I nod.

"Anyway back to the main topic, I'm not lying, at least not entirely. I kind of liked him before the whole 'being dead thing" I start explaining to Shuri, "But you know coming back to life after 5 years, trying to get my shit together and all that as well as losing people has been a lot, and I don't know if I have time or if I am in the right mental stability to like someone"

"So you like him..." I sigh seeing that there's no way Shuri is leaving me alone without a yes or no answer.

"A bit I guess?" I tell her looking for something to make for breakfast, Natty still in my arms.

"I knew it! I'm always right about things and I was right about you liking Zemo!" She says excitedly through the screen, "So what are you going to do about it?" She asks.

"Probably nothing, I mean the man lost his wife and kids to an attack as well as his country, I don't think he wants to love someone after that," I tell her grabbing some bread to make myself a sandwich.

"Well, what if he does want to love someone after that, what if he is willing to heal in order to love someone? What would you do if that someone is you? Are you willing to heal as well and let someone love you?"

I go to respond but my phone starts ringing, I take it out and see it's Bucky calling me, "Hey Shuri I need to take this call but we'll talk later okay?" I tell her.

"Alright, but you're not escaping this conversation," She says before ending the call.

I chuckled shaking my head and answering Bucky's call, "Hey Y/n here, everything okay?" I ask him.

"Yes everything is doing just fine, we need your help with something though" He explains.

"Who's we?" I ask.

"Sam and I, this new superhuman rebel group showed up and I think Zemo might know something about it, could you give me authorisation to talk to him?"

I look down at my Natty confused, Zemo being behind some superhuman group? Sounds almost impossible. He has been on his cell for the past 6 years, he isn't let out due to the threat level he was put at, not only that he has never given signs of plotting something so I doubt he has anything to do with Bucky's group.

"There's no way he's involved," I tell him.

"I'm not saying he is but he might know something that could help us" He explains, I sigh hating the idea of Bucky and Zemo seeing each other again.

"I'll go with you though"
"Oh no, no way. I know you worry about me-"
"And him" I point out.
"And Zemo, but we'll be fine, you said yourself that he had improved a lot, nothing bad will happen I just need some information," He says, I think for a moment before giving in to his idea.
"Fine, but I'll be around the area, if anything happens call me immediately understand?"
"You're the boss doctor, alright I'll be heading to the correctional facility then"
"I'll call them now then to let them know you're going, and please be patient with him okay Buck?"
"I'll try to"

I end my call with Bucky and eat my breakfast, I carefully lay Natty down on the floor and I look online to see what food I might be able to give her until I can get some cat food. I find that giving them fish or meat is good so I look in my fridge for some fish and find tuna there, I take it out and place it in a bowl giving it to Natty.

The Criminal Who Fell For The Spy (Zemo x reader story)Where stories live. Discover now