The empty space inside a lonely heart

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Zemo's POV

I banged at the glass as I watched Y/N turn into nothing but dust, unable to do anything.

"Y/N!!Y/N!!" I shout. What happened to her? Where did she go? Will it happen to me too?

I waited for something to happen, for something to take me, but I just stood there, alone. Eventually, a security guard came to check on me and explained to me the situation. This giant (or alien in a way) had a plan, to destroy half of all creatures in the galaxy. The Avengers were supposed to stop him as always but to everyone's surprise, they failed, and Y/N happened to be one of those people taken.

"So the Avengers failed? It appears the damage I caused truly impacted them" I tell myself, "Is it then my fault? Is Y/N gone, because of me?"


Days went by, and then months, which slowly turned into years, and Y/N was still nowhere to be seen. 2 years now without her, exactly on point. I have been counting the days ever since, asking each and everyone one of them if something had changed, if any of the Avengers had decided to show their faces and do something for the people gone, but every day I was disappointed to hear nothing had changed.

I had already lost everything before, and she arrived to change things, but karma came my way for the things I've done, and they took her as well.

"Will I ever see her again? Or is she gone?"


3rd POV

4 years now have passed, and things have only gotten worst, Zemo would never accept it out loud, but he knew he hadn't smiled since she was gone, but no one could blame him. A man, viewed by everyone as a monster, until here come's this spy, who's willing to see deeper than just what's upfront, and finds a  father, husband, and son, who lost everything he knew.

He had promised to never trust someone after Sokovia, but such promise was easily broken by someone with many more secrets than he himself had. But a heart can only take so much, break it once, and it's more likely to heal, learn, and love. But break it twice, and the consequences may be fatal.

A fire can only hold itself for so long during a cold storm before it goes out, and so did Zemo, he waited, and waited, and waited. But eventually, his fire went off, and the hope which remained in him had to go.

The books on his shelf were now covered in dust, untouched for years, yet there remained one, next to his pillow, Pride and Prejudice, which seemed to be used so many times, annotations filling the no longer empty corners, yet no one to share them with.

Hey, there guys I finally updated the story!!! You don't understand how long I've been trying to write this for and I'm so happy with the product! I'm sorry it's not as long as the chapters usually are but I think it fits well with the whole idea of the chapter. I'll make sure to update soon I've been busy with some early transition college work which I ended up leaving for the last minute but it's due tomorrow so I should be free after which means back to a normal writing schedule!! Thank you so much for your support with this book and your patience!

Lots of love, Author!!

I can't believe Falcon and the Winter soldier has been out for 5 months! I miss the chaotic trio of Sam, Bucky, and Zemo so much T^T

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