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hello im asher jackson you can call me ash.i'm from euphoria town im from aurora street.beside my house there's a cottage that been empty since i moved here.i moved to this neighborhood when i was four.I always believe that there's a realm called wonderland and i though that cottage could bring me to wonderland.Since i was little i was a curious child i really want to go to that cottage  but i was afraid but when i was eleven year old when i sneak in trough the broken window to that cottage.In that cottage there's so many room it was beautiful. when i was walking trough the hallway i saw something glowing it was a door it has pattern in it' "maybe this door is going to take me to wonderland"before i was about to open the glowing door i saw something walking to the door.I cant believe my eyes in front of me is two black creatures blood dripping from their eyes their mouth ripped turn into smiles i freeze in shock until one of them raise their claws and stab one of my eye.I started running thats alarmed them.I was running trough the hallway blood dripping from my eye. "where's the door?!" i kept running and running it was  like i was running in a circle "finally the door!" but there's a problem "fuck   the door is stuck"they were right behind me."shit" i scream so loud that i passed out.it was all dark but i woke up seeing  both of my parents crying "where am i?"

all i see is a white room my parents and a doctor but why i cant see anything with my right eye. i see the doctor say something to my parent but i didn't hear him i  was horrified remembering that two creatures over and over again.But then i hear the doctor says"why did your son stab his own eye with a knife?"huh i was confused but i didn't stab my eye one of the creature did?!.After i stay in the hospital for three days.I ask my parents "hey mom dad?" "yes honey" my mom answered "can i ask you something?" "yeah sure ask away" this is it im asking about the cottage"is there a cottage beside our house?" 'oh honey there's never cottage beside our house,beside our house is a forest" huh have i been dreaming?!"no it feel to realistic
Whats going on?!

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⏰ Última atualização: Mar 29, 2022 ⏰

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