The siblings understood that Anna didn't want to talk about it so they didn't  push against the topic more.

Their bags were packed and they were all set to go.

The truth was, Anna was worried. Now she remembered why the room from her dream was so familiar. It was so because it had appeared a few times before.

It happened when she was having some sort of vision. It hadn't happen since she had found about her light powers. So when it happened again it scared her. She was curious about whose  voice it was, which was apparently herself as it said.

And what did the voice meant with good luck. Was she in any danger? All these thoughts came into Anna's mind. She wanted to tell someone about it, she needed someone to talk.

There was only one person to whom she could tell without any worry and would understand her. It was her brother, James, but that wasn't possible. It made that worse and made Anna miss her family more.

She pushed that aside for some time because something else needed to be done now.

"Come on, we gotta get home before mom and dad does." Judy told Will who had rock in his hand that robot had given to him just then for his collection.

"We'll come back for you." Penny said looking at robot and followed Judy out of the cave.

Anna walked to Will and robot. She was hesitant for a moment but then gave in and hugged the robot. She wasn't sure if he even knew what a hug was. He didn't hug back and Anna understood that.

"Meet you soon." Anna simply said, grinning and went out of cave as well but not before giving Will an encouraging pat his shoulder.

Judy, Penny and Anna waited for Will outside for some time before he came out the cave. "You okay?" Anna asked.
"Yeah let's go."

Then they started the journey back to the jupiter, silently.

"We need to play cool when we get inside the jupiter." Anna said braking the silence.
"Yeah, wait, I see the chariot coming." Judy said spotting the chariot not too far away from the jupiter.

"We need to hurry, just do anything when we reach." Judy said and they all ran inside to different directions.

Anna ran to her room, grabbed a book and her headphones and then went to the hub where Will was sitting on one of the chairs, his tablet in his hand, headphones on and his legs on the table. He gave Anna a thumbs up.

Anna heard Maureen and John calling out for them. She sat down on the window seat and pretending to read with headphones on.

Maureen and John entered the main hub and reached to Will. He pretended not to listen to the for a while until Maureen tapped his shoulder.

He greeted Maureen with a hug. Anna went up to her and greeted her and John as well.

"Hey Anna, you were reading geography with music on?" Maureen asked with a laugh referring to the book in Anna's hand.

"Uh.. yeah helps to.. concentrate." She answered.

"Oh okay, sometimes I did the same, are you okay by the way, you look a bit tired?"
"Yes I am." She smiled weakly.

"Oh hello. I didn't expect you back so soon." Penny said in a cheerful voice as she entered the room, in bathrobes and a towel wrapped around her hair.

"Hi honey." Maureen said to Penny.
"Hi mama." She said smiling. Anna resisted the urge to laugh by the acting and the way she said that.

LOST IN SPACE /WILL ROBINSON Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя