~1~ The Call

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And that's a wrap for todays photoshoot!" I called out, smiling at my two models. "You can go to the accounting desk and pickup your paycheck."

The two models came over and thanked me, before going onto their dressings rooms to change.

I stretched my arms and put my camera in it's bag carefully. After graduating from University, I did street photography for a few years, before a photographer agent saw me and asked to see a few of my photos. He loved them, and eventually with his help, I became one of the most famous photographers in New York.

My agent, and now good friend Andrew Fox, (I call him Andy), walked up to me. "Today was great October. Do you think you can have these photos ready by tomorrow morning? Around ten in the morning?"

I nodded. "Should be no problem." I grinned. "I have coffee to help me out."

Andy grimaced. "Can someone die from drinking too much coffee?"

"Yes, you can." I replied, helping the workers put away some equipment.

Andy blinked. "I was joking but oh my God October, you said that so....."

"Nonchalant?" I offered.

Andy nodded. "Yes, and no one actually ever uses that word, except in books."

I shrugged. "I like using fancy words. Since I'm a horrible reader, I compensate by using big words."

Andy laughed. "Well, I'm gonna call it a day and head out. Remember, we need the photos to be ready by tomorrow."

I nodded. "You know me Andrew, I'm never  late."

After packing up, I walked out into the parking lot. Getting into my car, I decided to go get takeout. I definitely won't have time to cook if I want the photos ready by the next morning. I pulled up to a drive through of the nearest Chinese restaurant. After getting my food, I started driving home. I decided to take the shorter way, where there isn't many cars around. I drove past the trees, my eyes on the road. My phone rang. Glancing down, I saw that it was an unknown number from Derry, Main.

Confused, I pressed answer. "Hello?"

"October? October Larson?" said a males voice from the other end.

"Who is this?" I asked, gripping the steering week tightly. 

"It's Mike." he said.

"I'm sorry, who?" I asked. "Mike who? Mike Wazowski?"

"It's Mike Hanlon. From Derry." he said.

"Mike?" I cried, happy to have my old friend call me. "How are you? It's been years!"

"October, you have to come back to Derry." he replied, not matching my excitement.

I stared at the road ahead. "Why? I finally left, and I don't think I want to go back. If you want to meet, why don't you just come here to New York?"

"IT is back."

Snippets of memories flashed through my brain.

"FUCK!" I yelled. A car was coming right at me and I swerved to my left, veering off the road.

"October?" Mike called through my phone.

My car suddenly hit a tree and I came to a harsh stop.

"October!" Mike yelled. "October are you okay?"

I heaved a big sigh. "Yeah, just crashed my car no big deal."

"You crashed your car?!"

"I've never been better Mike." I leaned back and closed by eyes. "Now, what the fuck are you talking about?"

"It's starting again, October. Bad things are happening."

I grabbed my phone and got out of my car. I looked down at my hand, where a faint scar was etched on my palm. I couldn't remember how I got it, but right now, I had a feeling it had something to do with what Mike was saying. "Of course I'll come."

"That's the October I know." Mike said.

"Did you call the others?" I asked.

"Almost. I have to still call Eddie and Stanley." he replied. "How soon can you get here?"

I thought for a moment. I had my photos I had to submit, but whatever it was, this was probably way more important. "I can come by tomorrow."

After I hung up with Mike, I called a tow truck. An ambulance came too to check and make sure I wasn't hurt. Once everything was settled, I took a cab back home. Going on my laptop, I booked flights for Derry, and a room at the Derry Town House Hotel. I decided to take a shower. Letting the warm water wash over me, I looked again at the scar on my palm. I traced it with my finger. I suddenly got a flashback memory.

"I still don't get why Bill had to make freaking cuts on our hands." Richie Tozier said.

We had left the kissing bridge and he was walking me home.

I shrugged. "That's Bill for you. Go big or go home."

"I'm pretty sure Eddie's in his bathroom, crying while disinfecting it." Richie laughed.

"I'm surprised he didn't make us all go to clean our cuts." I giggled.

Now, I was out of the shower, staring at myself in the mirror. Richie. I haven't talked to that guy in years. Maybe fifteen? Or even more? After a while of not seeing each other, we just kind of.....drifted apart. We stayed friends for a bit, but then we stopped talking all together. That was the same with everyone else. I don't know if the others kept in touch or not, but I definitely wasn't in contact with any of them.

After I packed my suitcase, and ate my cold takeout, I went to bed. But I couldn't fall asleep. All these thoughts were just coursing through my mind. Little flashes of memories would come. But lot's of them were good. I remembered all my old friends.

My best friend, Bill Denbrough. The shy, quite stuttering kid who was like my brother.

Beverly Marsh, the only girl I was ever friends with, who was one of the kindest people I knew.

Eddie Kaspbrak, the germaphobe who was basically my child.

Stanley Uris, another one of my children. He was also the most mature and the smartest out of us.

Mike Hanlon, the homeschooled guy who we saved from the clutches of Henry Bowers.

And Ben Hanscome. That guy was the nerd out of us, but was an absolute sweetheart.

I wondered if everyone else was going to come. Bill had to. He's the one who made us promise to go back. Would Richie go? I felt my heart flutter at the thought of him. Oh get a grip you bitch. It's been over fifteen years.

The next morning, I went to the airport. After getting on the plane, I closed my eyes and relaxed as my trip to Derry started. 

The Love Is Still There |Richie Tozier (2)Where stories live. Discover now