"It is my business actually. I'm gonna give you a choice. You get the fuck out of my house, or I drag you out." Leilani threatens, taking a step to the girl and now standing inches away from her face. The two girls stare at each other, Leilani not blinking once.

"You won't be able to." Luna smiles, flicking her gaze from Leilani then to Ash who stands on the bottom step, his body tense.

"Alright." Leilani nods, turning around and walking to Ash, leaning down slightly and whispering something in his ear. The boy keeps eye contact with Luna as he nods, a small smile appearing on his face.

The boy disappears, running up the stairs. Luna laughs loudly, shaking her head as she starts to open her mouth. She's cut off when Leilani charges toward her, the redheads body smashing into the glass table behind them, her body weight causing it to shatter under her. Leilani's fist raises, plummeting into the girls nose; her bones cracking under Leilanis fist.

"Oh motherfucker!" Joseph enters the room, a bag of chips in his hand as Leilani's fist drives into Luna's face, her blood splattering all over the girls fist. Ash jogs back down the stairs, his phone in his hand as he record the girls.

"Get the fuck off me bitch!" Luna yells, gripping at Leilani's hair. Leilani hisses in pain as the girls nails dig into her scalp. The brunette uses her free hand to grab the girls wrist, snapping it backwards. Luna screams out as her wrist twists, her legs kicking out as Leilani straddles her hips.

Pushing herself off Luna, she grabs a fistful of Luna's hair, pulling the girl up to her feet. Leilani breaths heavily as she looks at the girls bloody face, Luna on her knees looking up at her. Tears mixed with blood stream down the red-heads face, her eyes swollen.

Taking a hold of her head, Leilani brings her leg back, bending it and slamming her knee into the girls jaw. Luna's body falls backwards, her body going slightly unconscious as Leilani wipes her mouth, smearing the girls blood all over her face.

"Get this bitch the fuck out of here." Leilani breathes, gesturing to Joseph who quickly nods and sets down his bag of chips. Luna cries out, shaking her head and looking at Leilani.

"Wait! I'm pregnant!" Luna yells, Leilani and Joseph stopping dead in their tracks as the only sounds filling the room is their breathing. The brunette turns her head, looking down at Luna who's laid on the floor.

"You're pregnant?" Leilani questions, looking at the girl and then to Alex. Alex quickly directs his gaze to the floor, feeling embarrassed.

She wasn't pregnant. Like I said before, the stupid cunt had gotten an abortion. Her parents don't have the money for a lot of shit, so she was trying to scam them into giving her money.

"Alex?" Leilani sighs, her eyes full of betrayal and hurt as she looks at her brother. Alex just slightly nods, his hands tucked behind his back.

"Oh my god. I just- I just beat up a pregnant woman." Leilani cries, her hands going to her hair as she tugs at her roots. Her breathing becomes heavy as she looks at Luna who's still crying on the ground.

I'll admit, that bitch needs to be an actor or some shit because that was the best performance I've seen in a long time. I mean come on, crying that much??

"Alex what the actual fuck! You couldn't have stopped me? Oh my god." Leilani exclaims, tears pooling in her eyes as she paces up and down the foyer, her breathing uneven and shallow.

Ash quickly walks toward her, grabbing her hand and pulling her away from the scene. Running upstairs, choked sobs leave Leilani's mouth as Ash throws open the door, gently pulling the girl to the bed and sitting her down.

"Hey, hey it's cool." Ash tries to comfort her, and she nods as she swallows harshly, her body going into overdrive.

"Come on." Ash takes her hand, pulling her into the bed and laying her head on the pillow. Leilani still cries as she looks up at the ceiling, Ash covering her with the blanket.

"I'll be on the floor. You need to sleep. Do you need some of your pills?" Ash questions, walking over to her dresser where her bipolar depression medicine is, taking the orange bottle in his hand.

Leilani nods, Ash humming in response as he opens the bottle, grabbing a single pill and placing it in her palm. Leilani sticks the pill in her mouth, dry swallowing it and throwing her head back.

"Now, get some rest." Ash whispers, switching the lamp off and covering her up with the blanket. Sighing, Leilani turns on her side as a single tear trails down her face, falling onto the pillow.

authors note
this bitch is about to get fucked up.

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