i - Fearlessness

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Summer might be a bit intimidating or scary at first because of its immediate energy radiating out of nowhere but know that its purpose is for something good. There's nothing to be scared of.

Now that the sun has set and the folks have started warning travelers to stay vigilant when walking outside the vicinity of the city, you aimlessly wander in the outskirts, hoping to see something that would spark your interest other than the Kairagis who are just waiting for the right time to terrorize the citizens of Inazuma.

On the first night of your stay in an unfamiliar region, you decided it was a good idea to split up with the traveler for a few hours.

The sound of something crackling and popping had caught you off-guard which caused you to take a few steps back, frantically looking for the source of the sudden noise until something from above captured your attention.

It was a white light quickly ascending from below, followed by a hissing sound, as if it was in a haste, briskly wanting to be one with the heavens.

Your eyes grew wide at how a single light managed to cause an explosion and now owning a bright color as the other lights followed, creating a glorious sight in the sky.

You thought the stars themselves only complimented the darkest time of the day but you were proven wrong.

The constant noise from the burst of colors brought you back to reality.

Oh no. No, no, no. The same words echoed in your mind, unable to think straight due to the unpleasant memories that were starting to linger around your mind.

It was indeed a satisfying sky to behold but there was one problem.

Stop, please. Your hands were busy covering your ears in an attempt to drown out the sounds.

You hate loud noises.

It reminded you of home.

A figure stood below the scene, admiring the show in silence which sparked your curiosity but instead of approaching them, you started to walk away from the ruction as your eyes remained on the silhouette.


The thump of your friend's beetle had brought you back to the present, a little startled.

You take your onikabuto away from the table, leaving a red-horned oni whining and a few children confused.

"Hey! We're not done yet!" The oni, known as Itto, huffs and points at your beetle. "Put 'lightning queen' back down!"

"I'm surrendering. 'Fierce hurricane' is gonna lose anyway," You feign a yawn as if you were bored to hit his nerve.

The children circling the two of you hide their giggles at your comment.

Under a hot summer day, what would be the best activity for you to do other than having an onikabuto fight across Yae Publishing Bookhouse near the mask rack for the kids' entertainment with a childish oni?

"Why you—! That's not fair! I want a rematch!"

"No, thank you. Just take your win," You smile at him, eyes lighting up when you lose your focus at your friend to see a certain strawberry blonde-haired lady approaching from behind him to examine the commotion that you and Itto have caused.

A Guide To Loving Summer ¦ Yoimiya x Reader [Genshin Impact]Where stories live. Discover now