The Salvation (End)

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When Cale seems confused the Super Rock chimed in
"That's because you stopped singing. Cale, you've been holding back your voice aren't you? In other words, you also holding back your feelings and your heart. You're record ability recorded your feelings, emotions even your heart too, it likes a dam holding back a river, and when you sing again that dam broke and the river will flow swiftly"
Cale seems surprised when the Super Rock knows the reason, he also confused about the event

"A siren or their descendants always singing their heart out, but you... I never heard you sing at all, not even once"
The Crybaby and Sound of The Wind also said something
"I heard if siren didn't sing their hearts, their feeling will overload and they became weak day by day after that only one ending is waiting for them"
"Cale, what we want to say is you should sing whenever you want, don't hold back your beautiful voice"
The Glutton also said something
"I also don't know why you can last this long, but I can assume it was because your record ability will open a certain memory so you can stay insane without singing”
“But Cale, supressing your feeling is not healthy”
“Cale you should express your xx feeling freely”
Even The Cheapskate and Sky Eating Water also chimed in

“Young master Cale?” Witira called him with worried expression
“I think I know why the song is that strong” well to be exact it’s my ancient power but that’s not important
“Care to explain to us Cale?” the gold dragon asked Cale suspiciously
“I don’t think it’s necessary, the curse already lifted”
“What you deemed unnecessary is probably important for us to know dongsaeng”
Alberu smiled his charming smile but Cale know better the meaning of that smile
‘If you didn’t tell us right now I will find another method and you won’t like it’ that exactly what that smile means
“I… It just because It’s been a while since I sing and the power building up”
“Haaa…. Sure dongsaeng”
Alberu give up he knows if Cale didn’t want to say it he wont say it at all and keep all of them worried

“Well anyway I’m tired, all of you can go back now”
“Young master Cale can we stay here for a few days?” Cale a bit surprised when he heard that request from Archie, he raised an eyebrow but nod anyway he then looked toward Raon
“Yes human I know, to bedroom right?” He nod and soon the teleportation magic circle appear and they teleport right in to Cale bedroom, Cale start to climb to his bed and laying there comfortably before he falling asleep he told the little dragon
“Unless someone on fire don’t wake me up”
“Okay human”

~At another place~
“It’s rare for you to request to stay here, is there something wrong?” Asked Paseton toward Archie
“Then? Why?”
“I don’t know either, It just slipped out my mouth” Paseton and Witira just look at each other and then look at Archie with confusion even the killer whale Archie confused by his action
“Well we can take a little vacation here” Witira think is nice to change the atmosphere she can take a walk around Henituse territory with Paseton and buy some souvenir

Two days later Archie took a walk around the garden that designated for Cale so he can take a nap outdoor, the garden really a nice place where various type of tree and flower are planted even though all the flower have just one colour like Cale hair and in the middle of garden there’s a swing bed that looked comfy also magic spell that protect all around the garden, Archie can see they put a lot of effort to create this place

He keep walking around until he can hear someone humming and he found Cale lounging on the swing bed while eating fruit, he approach Cale carefully not wanting to startle him when he close enough to Cale he greeted him Cale look up and greeted him back
“Is there something wrong?” Cale looked at Archie who have a look like lost child
“Young master Cale why are you holding yourself? And you look like afraid of something”

Archie can’t hold himself and bluntly asked, Cale was at a loss of words he so shocked at Archie question when he opened his mouth want to ask what the hell is he talking about Archie beat him to it
“Young master Cale you look like my younger self who holding back because I’m afraid the Whale king would beat me up to pulp if I do something stupid”
“Young master Cale what are you afraid of? I don’t understand it why are you so afraid when a lot of strong individual is protecting you even dragon protect you too”
“I… I am afraid to lose all of them, and got leave behind I’m afraid to be alone again”
Cale don’t understand why he saying all of this to this killer whale, the words just slipped his mouth so easily like that but Cale answer confuse Archie even more
“Young master Cale all of them is stronger than you are they can protect themselves just fine, even something goes wrong you always know what to do and save all of them and if you don’t know what to do, so what? I’m sure no one will blame you for that”
Cale got silent and thinking about what Archie saying, realization dawned on him and he chuckles, how come I can’t realize something so obvious like that, even this killer whale able to notice it
“Thank you”
Archie was surprised at what he heard and see how can a human be this beautiful? Archie thought not only his voice beautiful all of young master Cale is beautiful, his appearance, mind, and soul is also beautiful young master Cale is human but at the same time he doesn’t feel like human at all

Archie just nodding his head and ready to walk away but Cale voice stooped him and make his heart leap
“Do you want to take a nap with me?”
“Can I do that on that bed?”
Cale raised eyebrow and then patted the swing bed
“Why not? You got my permission anyway and the bed is big enough for the two of us”
Archie hesitant a bit before he slowly climbed the bed and join Cale, he thought it will be uncomfortable because he not used to share a bed with someone but when Cale warm body scoot closer to him it feels nice and he also smell nice too
“Sleep tight”
Cale just happy there’s some sort heater so he won’t got cold even though he sleeping outdoor so he snuggles closer to Archie, the two of them slowly drove to sleep

When the children went to Cale while dragging Paseton and witira along to read them some stories they found their guardian sleeping peacefully with the killer whale
Witira and Paseton just chuckles and take a bunch of photos while the children said they will let it slide this time because they liked to ride on Archie back
Witira thought this little vacation isn’t bad at all

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