C/n is on the floor playing with a peice of string. "Here he is," you happily tell Brahms. C/n notices you. He runs to you. *Meowww* you pat C/n's head as Brahms just watches. You pick C/n up, handing him to Brahms. "You can keep C/n company..!" You tell Brahms as he gently strokes C/n's fur. "C/n.." Brahms whispers. You smile and start cleaning the floor.

Some blood clears off easily, but the blood that actually had time to soak is stubborn. You continue scrubbing one side of the floor. Once you finish that, you go onto the other side. The other side is way more stubborn. In total, it took you 30-ish minutes to do that one side. Next is the walls.

Although there was so much blood and other gunk, it was fairly easy to clean off.

After cleaning the walls....

"I'm done..!" You sigh, lying on the ground. Brahms walks over to you, looking down. "Thank you.." he shyly says. You smile. "It's the least I can do..! This place needed a little cleaning anyways." Brahms nods and sits on the couch. You suddenly hear something fall to the ground in one of the rooms. You sit up. What was that? You hear more rattling and thuds coming from the room. It was the room right beside the room you woke up in. Dried blood stains the floor around that door. You stand up, making Brahms stop you. "It's nothing, Y/n," he tells you sternly, in his high pitched child-like voice. "Okay," you tell him plainly, nodding. As Brahms looks away, you quietly walk to the door, Brahms noticing quickly. You turn the door knob quickly before Brahms grabs your other wrist. You swing the door open before Brahms pulls you away. You fall to the ground with a loud thud. In the doorway is a person. The person is covered in cuts of all sort, from mild to severe. Blood drips off them. Then, you recognize the person.

"Sarah...?" You whisper. The person looks up. It is indeed, Sarah. She doesn't appear to be in the best state... "You...you.." Sarah begins as she coughs out blood, spitting it onto the floor. "You were..... behind it.. I.. knew it..." Sarah finishes saying, her voice dry and tired. You shake your head. "I wasn't. I was brought here," you tell Sarah, making her laugh in disgust. "Hah.... right.... as if.."

Sarah reaches forward for your leg grabbing it. Her touch makes you feel uncomfortable, considering you nearly drowned cause of her. Sarah continues to tug on your leg, trying to pull you down with her, but doesn't succeed due to the state she's in. "You'll die.. too..." Sarah tells you, blood spewing out of her mouth as she lets out a forced laugh. Brahms lifts his foot, stepping on Sarah's arm, making her let out a cry of pain. Brahms enters the room, continuously kicking Sarah. Her screams are loud and pierce your ears. Tears fill your eyes. You hear Thomas walking up the stairs angrily. He walks over to the room, looking down at you. He nudges you away from the door gently, ushering you to leave for now. Sarah's screams fill the room. You just run far away where you can't hear Sarah's cry. Your ankle hurts with each step but that doesn't stop your desire to run. I hope she survives. But deep down, you know you didn't want that.

You race out the front door, running to the side of the house. You crouch down at the wall, covering your ears. Stop thinking about it, stop thinking about it. Everything is happening too fast. You thought this was going to be a simple two weeks at an old camp, not this! You were supposed to do some dumb activities, get home sick, and make some new friends that you'll never see again. Not meet multiple killers, nearly drown, watch your friend(s) get brutally slaughtered in front of you, (still) get homesick, AND might potentially die! This is absolutely, 100%, no doubt a disaster.

You stay curled up into a ball, sobbing. After about 5 or so minutes of crying, you feel a hand on your head. You look up. Thomas. "*hic* H-hi Thomas... *hic*," you tell him through your little hiccups. He grabs your arms, lifting you up off the ground. You stare at him with a blank expression. Thomas just stares, then wipes your tears with the side of his bloodied hand. A faint blush creeps onto your cheeks. Thomas grunts, tugging on your arm lightly. You nod, following him inside, gripping onto his shirt.

Brahms is hiding around the corner as you and Thomas enter the house. You give him a weak smile and wave. This interaction from afar is highly awkward to you. He waves back, coming closer to hug you. "Sorry," Brahms tells you, holding you in a tight hug. "I accept your apology.." you sniffle. You didn't tell Brahms "I forgive you," because you don't. You don't forgive him, nor Thomas, nor Jason. They are all very bad. They've done bad things to poor, innocent people. They've taken many peoples lives. So, you can only tell Brahms that you accept his apology.

You look up at Brahms. "Are there.. others? Like, others living here?" You ask curiously in a soft tone. You remember when Jason mentioned that there were others living here, so there must be more people.

Brahms hesitantly nods. "Where are they then?" Brahms stays silent for a moment, then replies, "They are out somewhere. They won't be back until later." You nod, letting out a small yawn. It was only around 2-ish in the afternoon, but you were exhausted. "Are you tired?" Brahms asks. You nod shyly. You were practically making yourself at home in a home that isn't yours. It was a little embarrassing for some reason.

"Here," Brahms says quietly, grabbing your arm and pulling you to the room you woke up in earlier. You look at him and say, "Thank you, Brahms." His eyes glow with joy as he nods. Brahms opens the door and you walk in. C/n trots inside too with you. Brahms waves to you goodbye as he shuts the door slowly. You smile and crawl into the stained bed, C/n hopping on the bed with you. I'll need to do the laundry when I wake up since I have no other clothes.

You close your eyes with C/n by your side. This house wasn't in the best shape, but it gave you some sense of comfort.

So far, the killers I've met were very kind to me. I don't know what I did to deserve their kindness. Maybe it was out of luck? Maybe it wasn't even me at all? I don't know for sure, but I'm very fortunate.

Jason is very friendly, and he saved me from nearly drowning. I can't thank him enough for that. He was the first killer I've met. And I don't have any regrets talking to him.

Thomas is also very nice. He took care of me by wrapping up my leg. He comes off as big, mean and scary, but from my point of view he's actual quite sweet. I hope I can get to know him more.

Brahms is kind. I just recently got introduced to him, and I think he's pretty kind. His intimidating stare through his mask scares me a bit though... and I don't like what he did with Sarah.

More thoughts cloud your mind until you eventually drift off to sleep....

Thanks for reading this chapter! Sorry for the late update, I'm very busy with school and stuff. This chapter felt a bit rushed when I re-read it, but I hope you liked it! Also guess what?! We just reached 150+ views! OMG I cannot believe it! Thank you all so, so, SO much! 💗💗

Q: Fav type of horror movie? (Ex: Paranormal, Slasher Films, etc..). Answer in the comments!

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