Chapter 2.

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Rorschach POV.

So I'm stuck in an alternate universe, great, well at least heroes still exist. But vigilantism are still illegal. Fuck, I mean I get its suppose to make sure no one uses their quirk in public randomly. But still!

Right now, I left the library soon after and went back to the rooftops, scouting for crime. Of course I found crime in the alley, someone was selling drugs. So I sprang into action.

Some Yakuza goon: "You got the goods?"

Some Overhaul goon: "Of course, *opens briefcase* the boss doesn't lie to buyers."

Some Yakuza goon: "Goo- WHO THE FUCK IS THAT!?"

The fuckers with the bird masks look at what the Yakuza member is looking at, little ol' me.

Some Overhaul goon: "Hey, punk! Scurry off will you!"


Some other Overhaul goon: "Do you value your own life, or what?"


Some other Overhaul goon: "You asked for it!"

As the goon charged at me. I pulled out my lighter, and hairspray. You know where is is going.

Some other Overhaul goon: "AHHHHHHH! MY FACE! MY FUCKING FACE!"

Some Overhaul goon: "Oh my god! What the fuck!"

As they were panicking, I used the grapple gun to latch into a wall and pulled it, breaking the wall and knocking a few goons out.

Some other Yakuza goon: "Oh you're gonna pay for that!"

The goons body turned into metal, and also charged towards me. The fight was rough, he punched me, I punched back. Eventually I got tired of this so I dropped a wall on him.

*A few hours later.*

I beat them, it took hours, but I beat them. As I was about to climb back to the roof, three people called out to me.

???: "Freeze!"

Rorschach: "Fuckin' hell."

???: "You will be brought in for questioning."

Rorschach: "No."

???: "If you resi- Wait what?"

Rorschach: "I said no, so fuck off."

???: "Then you are under arrest for resisting."

Rorschach "Oh fuck off, listen you poor excuses of heroes. If you care about what happened, ask the gangsters on the ground."

???: "Why you-!"

The hero stretched his arm towards me, I jumped away is time. This infuriated him and me. Him because I'm resisting arrest, and me because I'm already tired. Trying to think of a weakness they could have.

Rorschach: "Hey, what are your names?"

Kamui: "My name is Kamui Woods. Hope you remember it when you're in jail."

Mt. Lady: "My name is Mt. Lady, I'm surprised you haven't heard of me."

Death Arms: "I'm Death Arms! Get ready for a beating!"

Rorschach: "Hm, alright. Thats all the information I need."

The heroes were slightly confused because of what I said, but immediately refocused on me. The first to charge at me was Death Arms, of course it was him.

As he charged towards me, I sidestepped to dodge him. Behind me is a wall, he couldn't stop in time so he crashed into the wall.

Death Arms: "You just got lucky."

He went to charge again, but I dodge again, he crashed into the garbage.

Death Arms: "Stop dodging!"

He went to charge again, I dodged, he hit his allies. After he hit his allies, I knocked him out. Then made my escape.

"Heh, I got lucky."

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