Pass It!

363 6 0


It was the second period with 8:53 time left and the score was 0:1. No one would pass me the puck as apparently they still didn't trust me. I had been open many times but they wouldn't budge.

"Right here I'm open!" I called for what seemed to be the hundredth time.

"Up front!" I yelled.

"Pass it to Banks!" Coach yelled.

"Come on do something with it!"

Charlie eventually passed it to me and I scored. I started cheering and everyone who was out on the ice hugged me. Except for Jesse who skated off.

It was now 1:1 with 16 seconds on the clock and we were all waiting to see what was next.

"Goldberg," Coach told the goalie. "You'e going to sit this one out."

We all imeadently started protesting.

"You're pulling the goalie when we're tied?" Karp asked.


"You can't do that!"

"Why would you bench the goalie!?"

"We need a goalie!"

"Listen, a tie isn't going to help us." Coach told us. "We need to win. Okay Fulton, you're our extra man."

"Everybody get the puck to Fulton. That's your job."

"We pulling the statue of Liberty play?" he asked.

"Yeah." Natalia agreed.

"No." Bombay denied. "Take your shot. You may only get one so it's got to be."

"But coach its one out of one." he protested.

"Soft hands Fulton, concentration not strength." He winked at Connie who blushed bright red.

I saw Natalia nudge him, causing him to roll his eyes.

"That's right." Coach said.

We all started cheering as Fulton went on the ice. I took it and passed it to Fulton who got ready to hit it. A player from the other team came to steal it and Fulton let them. He skated after them with great speed and bashed into them. He turned around and paused.

"Shoot! Shoot!" We all shouted at the boy.

He brought his stick back and hit the puck with a force strong enough to make a grown man cry. Each player dove out of the way as the puck went into the net making a whole in the net causing us to win 2:1.

We all started cheering and the other Ducks freaked out as they finally won a game.

"We made the play-offs!" Coach shouted. "We made the play-offs!"

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