All: a year?!

Frostybloom: that stupid owlette pushed me off the cliff. And then a found this arm as chemical failure. *starts sobbing*

Citron: it makes sense now.

Frostybloom: *sniff* what does?

Kernel: he knew the chemicals couldn't save you.

Citron: so he gave the arm and powers.

Rose: and the new chosen one.

Frostybloom: the chosen one? Why would he chose me?

Citron: to save your life.

Frostybloom: you mean I was gonna die?!

Rose: you were, but he chose you and saved you.

Frostybloom: so your god gave me this arm to save me?

Citron: it's true.

Frostybloom: so he caused my misery!

Rose: don't talk about him like that!

Frostybloom: why?

Citron: cause he'll take your arm and powers away!

Frostybloom: that's great! I'll be normal!

Kernel: you maggot can't even understand what we're talking about!

Frostybloom: who gives a (__) about it?!

Suddenly frostybloom passed out.

Citron: that's not good!

Kernel: you think?!

Frostybloom wakes up in a swamp.

Frostybloom: ew! Swamp water!

???: frosty.

Frostybloom: huh? Who's there.

???: up here.

A huge tree branch grabs frostybloom and pulls her up.

Frostybloom: *gasp*

In front of frostybloom was a giant living tree.

Frostybloom: who... who are you?

Dreadwood: I am dreadwood. The god of all plants.

 The god of all plants

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