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Aria Sampson has been in care for as long as she can remember. At just four years old she learnt how to make her own meals and get ready by herself. Her Mum died giving birth to her and her Dad never came home at night, if he did, he would be drunk out of his mind.

Aria has lived in the Dumping Ground ever since Social Services took her away when she was six. She's been in five different foster homes, each one ending up giving her back or her running away.

Throughout her life Aria built a reputation for herself. If it was at school, or even in her house, everyone would know who she is. They never dare cross her bad side, that is unless you want a punch around the face.

She's someone the younger kids look up to in care, they know she has their backs.

But throughout it all Aria has had four friends who has stayed by her side throughout it all.

Chris, her best friend from nappies. When she first got taken away Chris cried for ages and begged his parents to take her in. But as they grew, his parents disliking towards the girl also grew. But nothing would tear the two apart. Not even living on opposite sides of town.

Frank, a boy in her care home. Her other best friend. The two would dress up in odd pieces of clothing and prance around her room. He would sometimes let her do his makeup — sometimes — but only when the door was closed. And she gave him her shoulder to cry on when he needed it.

Liam, the kid who she used to hate. The two are the same age with similar situations. They used to horribly dislike each other at the start, always calling the other rude names and getting into fights. That is until they both fort in the streets and the police were called. That seemed to bring the two closer since they ran through the streets hand in hand.

The others in the house are used to their constant bickering back and forth. It's just every day life for them. But everyone knows deep down, deep, deep down, they care tremendously about each other.

And finally, Sapphire, the eldest child at the care home. Her and Sapphire have a special kind of friendship, they could go days without speaking or seeing the other. But as soon as something happens or they need to shoulder to cry on, the other is always there. Aria is the only one (other then Harry obviously) who's allowed in the other teens room. And that's something she likes to brag about.

Not many people know about Aria's past life and she plans to keep it that way.

So that's the story about Aria Sampson so far. Want to know more?

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