Ice skating....maybe?

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*** A/n: Sup guys, sorry for the delay. Uni is kicking off and things are a little hectic rn. I do apologize about the quality and length of this chapter, but it doesn't not add to the plot so I guess that's a plus right? Any way, I hope you guys are staying safe and taking care! Ethan out.***

"Hey (n/n), could you help me with this?" Breaking out of my little bubble, I leaned over Raechels shoulder, a little closer than I had intended. "Sorry I-"

Her giggle interrupted me as she lowered her hoodie, "It's ok, I don't mind."

Biting my lip a little, I felt warmth rush to my cheeks, doing my best to ignore it and help her with her history. "O-okay, um, what do you need help with?"

"I just need help with understanding Romeo and Juliet," she began to explain, her pen dancing across the page as she pointed out what she needed help with. Taking out my own notes, I began to explain after I took a seat beside her. It had been a few months since our rooftop hangout, and we'd spent a lot more time around one another as a result. Afternoons after school I would help her with her work, and if we felt like it we would talk a walk down to the nearby park and just relax. Though this was seldom as after our tutor lesson, if one could call it that, she would be picked up by her sister, Kori, who the first time I met was a little...strange.


'Hey Rae, are you guys done?' A girl with olive skin and bright green eyes poked her head in the doorway. 'Yea Kori just give me a sec, by the way, (Y/n) this is Kori, my sister, Kori this is (Y/n) my friend.'

The girl, Kori, entered the room and waved with a friendly smile on her face. 'It's nice to meet you. I've hea-' A small black hand flew out from a portal and clamped Kori's mouth shut as Raechel nervously shifted on the spot.

'Okay! Time to go sis! Bye (Y/n!' Calling over her shoulder as she marched her sister out. The magic hand must have fallen because I heard Kori as the left.

'Oh my, you were right, he is cute.'



Chuckling at the memory, I felt a head rest on my shoulder. Turning to look, a strand of lavender hair tickled my nose as the mage beside me groaned. "Why is this so difficult (y/n)?"

Shifting in the seat I had taken up, I closed her book slowly, careful not to

disturb her too much. "Why don't we take a break? You've worked really hard to catch up and study, I think we should go do something fun."

"Oh? Like what?" Lifting her head, her eyes were shining with curiosity as i thought for a minute.

"What about the arcade?" Shaking her head, I thought a little bit more.

"Wanna go ice skating?" This idea seemed to be more attractive to her as she pondered for a minute before agreeing, packing away her things. "Sure."


"Come on Rae, let's go before they close." I watched as (y/n) slipped onto the ice as if the change between the two different substances were nothing, gliding flawlessly after finding his groove. Standing against the door near the entrance, I made it towards the ice before being pushed aside by someone. "Watch where you going, dumbass."

Before I could open my mouth to retort, (Y/n) slid up right beside me on the opposite of the guard wall. "Is there a problem here?" When he spoke, his eyes glowed gold a little and I swear I saw a stream of mist connecting him and the guy in front of me.

"N-no," the guy's face paled as (y/n) cocked an eyebrow. "No sir."

"No sir." (Y/n) waved his hand dismissively. "Go then." His face darkened as the boy in front of us hesitated before disappearing, the air visibly cooling more before it passed in a second. Turning to me, the man smiled softly, offering me his hand.

"Shall we?" Looking from his hand up to him, I felt myself hesitant before I placed my own in his. "Yes, we shall." Chuckling, I felt a smile make its way onto my normally straight face as we stepped onto the ice. As he began to instruct me, I occasionally felt his body touch mine to change my position.

"There we go, now just move your feet slowly." Complying with his instruction, I gained speed, my smile growing as I felt the wind and my speed pick up. "Yes! You're doing fantastic, just don't make sudden movements."

His smile contagious as I looked up, butterflies filling my chest. Slipping my hand from his shoulder to his hand, my cheeks heating up as my throat became a little dry. "You're doing great Rae."

Just as I lifted my hands as a thumbs up, my skates caught on a stray rock and I felt myself tumble before there was a tug on my hand and arm, causing my direction of falling to change suddenly and I was thrown into a body. Daring to look up, I saw (y/n) smiling through the glaring worry in his eyes.

"You ok there sunshine?" My eyes flickered down to his lips then back up to his deep, colour shifting eyes. Nodding feebly, a pair of arms wrapped around me. Thinking to myself, his whisper was like thunder and lighting, loud and clear.

"Don't worry, I've got you." Shaking a little, I nodded as he led me off the ice to the benches that lined the rink. Watching him as he walked off quickly to a stand, I returned to my thoughts.

'I don't want to like him, because then I'll lose him. This is worse than when I found out what tea was, and just like tea, I can't seem to give it give him up.'

"Hey, I got you some tea, um they didn't have the one you said you liked but I've made it the same, um I hope it's ok?" He approached handing me a polystyrene cup that had black tea in, and was just sweet enough. Thanking him absentmindedly, he asked if I could take off my skate. Curious, I looked down and saw my foot was bent at a peculiar angle. Slowly feeling the pain rush in, I shook my head.

"Ok, just bear with me, this is going to hurt." Speaking as gently as he removed the skate, I was glad I was wearing socks as I could now feel how sweaty my feet were, not that it seemed to bother him at all. Taking my foot gently in one hand, his hand touched mine as I felt as if my body was being hacked. "(Y/n).."

"I'm just fixing it quickly and painlessly. I know it's uncomfortable, but I just need a few seconds." He spoke quickly, his breathing becoming labored quickly as I felt the organs and bone in my ankle move smoothly back into place. And true to his word, the whole process only took roughly 15 seconds.

Slumping beside me, he gave me my shoes from the back pack we had brought. As I slipped them on, I watched him out of the corner of my eye. His gaze lingered, worry written all over his face, before he removed his skates and replaced them with his sneakers.

'I guess, as long as he's around I don't have to worry about getting injured...maybe...maybe it wouldn't be so bad.'

"You ready?" He asked, looking up at me from the bottom of the benches.

Nodding, I joined him as we made our way back to my place, perhaps four blocks from where we had decided to go ice skating. As he dropped me off, I caught myself smiling as I watched his figure disappear down the road.

' Maybe he's not so bad.'

"Naw, he really does care." Jumping nearly out of my skin I turned to yell at my sister who stood in our open door way, having clearly seen everything that just transpired, including the comfortably longer hug.


Highschool. (Raven Roth x M!Reader; Highschool AU)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt