Meeting the crew (and data). ;)

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"Ah lieutenant y/l/n , I am commander William riker , I have been asked to show you your quarters"
"Thank you , commander" you replied
"The crew are somewhat desperate to meet you , we have heard much about your intelligence and phenomenal scores , you seemed to pass your training exceptionally , unlike any person aboard this ship has ever."
You blushed slightly , proud yet embarrassed.
"Well I am flattered I must say , but I am nothing special"
"Ah well I beg to differ y/n" riker replied with a grin.
"Here are your quarters" he said gesturing his hand towards it.
The doors opened to reveal a spacious and rather nice room.
"Thank you sir" you replied looking back to him .
You stepped through the door and looked around .
"If you need anything else , just let me know" riker said smiling before walking away.
You were allowed time to settle down , before attending any work you were to do.
You were still unfamiliar of the ship and where everything was located , you were due to receive a tour . But for now you were due some shut eye .

You awoke , for a moment confused of your surroundings . Ah the beloved enterprise, and your beloved new quarters .
You woke up feeling refreshed, and changed into your uniform , cleansed and applied make up .
A buzz came from the door .
"Come in" you yelled
The doors opened to show commander riker and a rather pale (yet attractive) man .
"Hello y/n , good morning . I hope you slept well" riker said .
"Very well sir , thank you" you replied still fascinated by the man who stood beside riker.
"This is lieutenant commander data" riker explained
"Hello , lieutenant y/l/n . I am data."
"Greetings data" you answered with a smile , extending your arm . He looked down at it then after few seconds shook it , you did not let it go though.
"Data here , is an android" riker informed nodding towards you , as he saw your face of interest and somewhat confusion.
"Well it is wonderful to meet you data"
"As is it just as wonderful to meet you too y/n"
You stared at him with wonder.
Riker coughed to get your attention , he had a smile plastered on his face.
"Well we are here to give you a brief tour of the enterprise , so if you would like to let go of datas hand and accompany us ..." riker began , still with a grin on his lips .
"Oh right sorry" you replied flustered , quickly releasing your hand from his .

You were given a brief tour of the ship , and riker had asked permission from the captain if he were allowed to take you to the bridge and introduce you to the rest of the crew there . The captain somewhat dubiously and reluctantly agreed. It was no wonder in all honesty.

You entered the turbo lift standing in between both riker and data. The doors glided open revealing the bridge .
You looked about with fascination , before noticing the people before you . A Klingon (you only assumed) a young boy , a man who was wearing some sort of device over his eyes , a beautiful woman who was smiling at you , and who you could only assume was the captain. A bald , serious looking man , who's air showed a sense of worth and importance. Riker and data both stepped out of the lift and walked into the bridge , riker nodded at you to follow . As you went to exit the lift you tripped (some entrance). You quickly stood up brushing your self off and wiping your clothes down with your hands . Riker grinned the dark haired woman smiled and the captain just stared at you seriously.
Your face was beaming with a red colour.
"Uh , hi . Im lieutenant y/n y/l/n"
"Hello , I am captain Picard." The captain said formally .
"Hi I am Dianna Troi" the dark hair lady said with a welcoming smile.
"I am worf , chief of security" the Klingon followed .
"Wesley , Wesley crusher" the young boy said extending his arm , you shook his hand and smiled at him . He returned back to his bench .
"I am glad to have you aboard , I trust that you will be of great help upon the enterprise lieutenant y/l/n" the captain said with a nod .
"Thank you captain , I hope I will be." You replied with a slight smile .
"I shall return to my quarters and prepare for whatever duties await ." You said "it was nice meeting you all" you continued with a smile before turning and entering the turbo lift again.

HIIII :) idrk what that was . It was cruddy ngl . Idk it felt needed to have an opening. Even though it won't be apart or have any relevance on the stories yet to come . But anyway 😭 <333

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2022 ⏰

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