002: All I Want For Christmas Is You

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     When did Ricky Bowen become a Converse fan?

     Megara and Ricky quickly looked down at each of their shoes, breathing out a sigh of relief when they realized they in fact weren't matching in shoe, only color.  As long as Megara knew Ricky (which technically hadn't been very long), he had been an avid Vans wearer.  She thinks perhaps he will always prefer Vans to Converse.

     "Hah, close.  Come on," she smiled and opened the door even wider.  "It's too cold outside for this."

     "Thanks," Ricky muttered, looking from the foil-covered plate in his hands to her and back again.  For a guy who had just spent the last semester planting kisses across her face (never the lips!), he was exceptionally shy tonight.  "Thank you."

     Megara just slowly nodded.  "What you got there?"

     "I uh..." he looked back towards his dad as if wishing he would finish the sentence for him.  Mike only smiled with perfectly raised eyebrows, egging Ricky on.  "I made some cookies."

     Megara's face softened up.  "Aw, Ricky, you didn't need to do that," she softly shook her head, dark and bouncy curls falling over her shoulders angelically.

     "They're double chocolate on chocolate," he added in a low voice as if unsure of himself.  "I don't know how good they taste, but I know they're your favorite."

     Megara then studied him for a quick moment.  "In that case, you are not leaving my side tonight."

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     Perhaps it was possible Megara would never get over how sweet her family was to Ricky.  Especially after practically bullying her most of her life.

     She was only half joking, but she was learning how to embrace it.

     "You okay?" she carefully took a seat next to Ricky on one of the couches.  "Do you need me to take him for a while?"

     Ricky had been tasked with holding one of her cousins' newborn babies, a tiny three-month-old (at most) boy.  He had been sitting perfectly in the corner of the grey couch in aunt Carmen's living room, resting his forearm along the soft armrest perfectly to support the baby's head.  Ricky shook his head, barely able to tear his eyes away from the baby.  "No way.  He's so cute."

     Megara placed her hand on his shoulder, deciding on resting her cheek there.  "Guess what?" she asked as she softly rubbed the baby's blue socks.


     "They named him Richard."

     Megara swore she saw a quick sparkle in his eyes.  "What?  That's awesome.  Oh my God, you guys have a tiny Ricky in your family," he said, still trying to keep his voice low even though everyone else in the house was totally loud.

2 | He Could Be The One ── Ricky Bowen ✓Where stories live. Discover now