🐼Part 20⚽

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Gulf's pov

I woke up because someone caressing my ears.

"Good morning baby"

"Good morning too, what time is it?"

"It's 6:00, you need to get up. You will be late in school"

"I don't want to attend", I know if I pouted he can't resist.

"Don't pout, do you want to walk properly?"

"P'mew your so horny"

"Because of you, you are so resistable", this man has no shame at all.

"Stop it I want to sleep more", before I go back to sleep someone called on my phone.

"It's early in the morning and someone call you?" P'mew asked. I checked the caller id and it's my mom.

"It's my mom"

"Go answer it" I tried to get up but p'mew stopped me.

"P'mew, let go of me. I need to answer this phone"

"No, just answer here"

"Ughh your so annoying", I answered the phone and I put it in speaker.

"Hello mom?"

"you didn't come home last night, where are you?"

"Uhmm mom I'm in my condo right? I said that before I'm leaving the house. You forgot already."

"Oh ok ok, I'm sorry I think your mom is old now"

"So mom what do you need? It's early in the morning and you are calling. you have something important to say?

"Yes I have. Did you remember your childhood friend?" childhood friend? who is mom referring to? oh it's p'kao!

"Ah yes mom, it's p'kao right?"

"That's right, he said he will visit us"

"What? When? I remember he left because he need to study abroad".

"Yes and he said he missed you, he will visit us in the weekend"

"ok mom, that's all? I want to sleep"

"You are not going to school?"

"No mom, I'm tired" and I heard giggles in my left.

"Shh stop it p'mew!" I whispered to him.

"Who is that? I heard someone giggles?"

"No one mom, ok bye" I immediately hang up the phone.

"P'mew why did you do that?"

"What? are you tired? sleep more, I think I over do last night" and he giggle again. This guy!

"Yes, you are beast!"

"But you like it though"

"Shut up, I want to sleep"

"Ok ok sleep, I will cook our breakfast"  I did not answer him and go back to sleep. He kissed my forehead, I feel like I'm important to him.

"Baby, wake up"

"What is it?" I groaned.

"It's afternoon already, you did not have your breakfast" I get up because I'm feeling hungry, I didn't realized I slept in hours.

We headed to the dining table and eat. He's cooking skills is the best! I'm so lucky to have him.

"Your cooking is so delicious as always"

"Thank you baby" He caressing my cheeks.

After that we watched a movie while sitting on the couch. *kring* *kring*

"Who's that?" P'mew asked.

"It's mild" I answered the phone.

"Hello mild what's up?"

"You are not attending school"

"I'm tired that's why" I'm tired because of last night.

"Oh ok btw are you heared the news?"

"What is it?" I'm confused.

"Lhong is not here anymore and they said they see him in hospital, his arm is broken"

"What the fuck? are you sure his arm is broken?" I see p'mew smirked. What the?

"Yes I'm sure and he's face is full of bruises" I'm speechless, what happened to him? I looked at to p'mew. He still smirking.

"Hello gulf, are you still there?!" He shouted.

"Oh I-I'm here, I call you later" after that I hang up.

"So what is he saying?" I can't read his face. There's no emotion.


"What about him?"

"His arm is broken"

"Is that so? good for him" He whispered the last part but I heard him.

"Why are you not shocked?"

"Are you hungry? Wait I will bring you food" Is he avoiding the question? But why? I held his arm.

"Why are you avoiding the question?"

"I'm not avoiding baby, he deserved it. He still pestering you even when you said stop, right?"

"Yes but I'm pity him" I lower my head because I'm truly pity him. He cupped my face and kissed my nose.

"Don't be, he is harassing you. He touched your beautiful waist. I am only allowed to touched this" he put his hand on my waist, it feels good. He kissed my ears and whispered...

"You are mine and no one can touch you except me. Do you understand?"

"Y-yes p'mew, ahhh s-stop"

"Who belongs to you?"


"Good, I will get the food" and he left.

But I'm not satisfied what he is saying. Is p'mew related to the accident? Why I'm feeling uneasy? Should I ask him? No no no, I think p'mew is innocent, he will not do that. Yes, I'm sure he will not do that. I trusted him because I loved him.

We continue watching movie and I avoided many questions in my head.

P'mew is innocent, am I right?

or my guessed is correct?

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