2. Harry Wells

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By Each Other's Side (Sister!Reader)

Summary: You are Harry's younger sister of a few years and went to Earth-1 with him to help him save Jesse and defeat Zoom. ( Set during 2X06)

"Cisco, your abilities, how do they work?" Jay asked

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"Cisco, your abilities, how do they work?" Jay asked.

"Uh, I get these feelings sometimes. These vibes," Cisco replied. "Visions of the breachers when they come to this Earth. I just-I'm not sure what triggers it. And sometimes it just happens. Sometimes it's when I'm touching something of their's."

"Touch the mask. You want to find Light, do it." Harry said looking at the long-haired boy.

Cisco reached the mask with his eyes closed. Everything was silent for a few seconds before he re-opened his eyes with a shaking head. "I don't think it's working."

"Try again," Harry ordered, which caused Cisco to take a step back. "Try again!"

Cisco nodded and reached for the mask a second time with closed eyes, only to reopen them again with a frown. "I'm sorry. It's not-

"Again!" Harry yelled, causing the younger boy to flinch away at the loudness of his voice.

"Harrison, calm down! He's trying his best," you scold your older brother as you look up to him with a glare.

"Well he's not trying hard enough."

"I can't control it." Cisco answered quietly.

"Because you're afraid!" The older scientist responds.

"I'm telling you, I don't know how this works! I can't just make it happen!" Cisco cried out.

"I'm telling you, yes you can!" Harry exclaimed as he pressed the mask on Cisco's chest, causing the latter to let out a gasp as he grasped a vision. "South Plaza, Train Station, Platform 15." He finally said.


(A few hours later)

The first thing you see when you walk into Cisco's workshop is your older brother standing in front of a large clear board scribbling some letters and numbers on it that would seem like a foreign language to the common eye.

"You know..."you started. "If you want the help of this team, you're going to have to act more nicely."

Harry stared at the board in front of him stubbornly before looking at you. "Okay fine. I'm not helping the team anymore. Problem solved." He responded.

You open your mouth to answer back but your eyes catch some of the white scribbles Harry wrote on the board. "You do know that is incorrect right?" You ask.

"I sincerely doubt it." Harry states before turning his attention back to his complicated equations.

"You wrote that quadratic formula wrong.......and you forgot a negative, moron." you said as you crossed your arms around your chest.

The older Wells sibling sighed in frustration at his mistake and threw his pen at the table.

You looked at your brother with a sad frown. You really hated seeing him like this. It's been almost a month since the disappearance of his daughter-your niece- and you couldn't imagine how much pain he had to endure everyday.

When Harry had told you about Jesse's kidnapping, you immediately volunteered to join him. Nobody messes with my family. I'll make sure Zoom learns that.

"We'll find her," you finally say out loud as you press a comforting hand on Harry's shoulder.

"Right. Because ever since I've gotten on this Earth, I've advanced so much. And the fact that Allen is unconscious right now after getting bloodied by Zoom helps the situation so much! Admit it Y/N, this was all a foolish idea to begin with!" Harry was practically yelling at this point.

"Don't think like that!" You tell him firmly. "Thinking negatively won't help us get any farther. We need to keep having faith in ourselves. For Jesse, alright? We'll figure something out. We always do. Besides, we've only been here for a day; we shouldn't let one step-back cloud our judgement on this team, especially since they seem to be the best shot we've got at defeating Zoom. You and I both know we don't stand a chance against that monster alone. We just need time Harry."

You watch Harry close his eyes and take a deep breath to calm himself down.

"Your wisdom is infuriating," he finally says.

"I know right? It's as if I'm the older one," you say as you shoot Harry a superior look.

"Mm..don't get too full of yourself." He answers as he pats your head.

"Oh don't even try to deny it, we both know I'm the brightest Wells." You say as you narrow your eyes at your brother. Sure he had his genius-level intellect and a razor-sharp mind, but you were also very quick-witted and good at problem solving.

"Please, I thought you everything you know." Harry responds with a slight eye roll.

"See....this attitude of yours. No wonder I was the favorite child."


"Harrison, I'm being serious. If you want the help of this team, you're going to have to stop acting like-as Mr. Ramon said it- a dick," you say as you give Harry a stern look.

"I'm sorry, but I don't understand nonsense," your idiot brother answers.

"......I don't even know why I still bother talking to you." You finally say and Harry just grins back at you. "Anywho, it's been a long day so if you'll excuse me, I'm going to bed-and I suggest you do the same Hare," you say as you start walking out of the room.

"Oh and one more thing," you call out once you've reached the door. "Do cease throwing objects. I don't suppose you brought money to pay for property damage."

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