My Oc's

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Name: Emo Wangzi

Nickname(s): Demon Prince,Princey,El Emo

Age: hundred upon hundreds of years old but he looks 13

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Gay

Appearance: dark hair,pale skin,blue eyes that turn red when he's mad

Personality: smug,sarcastic,devious,a con man,a trickster,a flirt

Crush: Xiao

Vision: Pyro

Region: Inazuma is where he was born but he travels around now

Weapon: Sword

Alignment: sometimes the Knights sometimes the Harbingers but he doesn't really have a side

Family: The Pyro Archon before Murata (father),an unknown mother who disappeared hundreds of years ago,Lilith 'Lily' Wangzi (dead sister)

Friends: My other oc Matrix

Enemies: How many should I list out of the like hundreds......including some of the Archons

Likes: Xiao,selling stolen priceless artifacts for 800 mora,causing panic

Dislikes: too many things


Name: Matrix Armageddon

Nickname(s): Windy Diplomat

Age: he looks 14 but has been around for a while

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bi

Appearance: dirty blonde hair,blue eyes,pale skin

Personality: a few anger issues,a bit smug,can be serious

Crushes: Cyno, Wriothesley, and Gaming

Vision: Anemo

Region: Mondstadt

Weapon: Catalyst

Alignment: Knights of Favonius (he's the head diplomat)

Friends: Jean,Amber,Kaeya,Lisa,Emo (they're bffs)

Enemies: a lot of the Fatui,i'm sorry but Bennett

Likes: practicing,establishing peace between the nations,Cyno

Dislikes: people being pushy with peace,having to stay with Bennett for more than 2 minutes

Other: sings a little,pulls a few pranks when he's off duty


Name: Papillon Danseur

Nickname(s): Lunar Swan (people who don't know him personally), Passionate Papillon (Lyney)

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pan

Appearance: A lot like Matrix Armageddon but his hair is in a long low ponytail down his back and has a blue streak in it

Personality: smug, smooth, sassy, a son of a bitch, devoted to his work

Crush: Lyney

Vision: Hydro

Region: Fontaine

Weapon: Sword

Alignment: Posiden Ballet Studio, Blood Ocean

Friends: Lyney, Lynette, Ferminet, Charolette, Arlecchino

Enemies: people who have the audacity to mess with his business

Likes: dancing, watching ballet, seeing Lyney and Lynette's magic shows

Dislikes: disrespectful people

Other: owns the Posiden Ballet Studio, is the top bounty hunter in Blood Ocean, has a diving license he rarely uses, is only friends with Arlecchino because of financial aid to his studio from the Fatui, Arlecchino is like a mother figure to him

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