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no warning!

 name:y/l/n y/n




also guys I'm so sorry for not updating for a few days I was so busy with my class I forgot about this book! I will try and update my other book 'always and forever'

also if you guys like liv and Maddie my friend and I creator 3/Chloe are collaborating on a book called 'soulmates' you can check it out on my account that's all now into the imagine!


y/n's pov

"The truth is we all have some sort of prejudice," Nam-ra said while I tried to focus but su-hyeok keeps on scribbling something on my notebook "we all have preconceptions about other people" nam-ra added as miss park nodded and look towards su-hyeok "hmm ok thanks class prez, next bare-su?" miss park said making su-hyeok look up and stood up "whats with bare-su?" miss park asked "oh its a short term y/n made it means barefoot su-hyeok in short bare-su" Joon-Yeong explained and pointing at me as i smiled a little "he hates wearing socks, he's so weird about it, i can smell it from here" dae-su added while covering his nose playfully "hm ok anyway what did nam-ra said a minute ago?" miss park said while the class chuckled and i did to

"ahh" the whole class copied him "she was absolutely correct, 100%" then the whole class laugh at him and so did I including miss park "well maybe less talking to your girlfriend and listen to my class" miss park teased making the class say "oohh" and I and su-hyeok look like a red potato "were just friends" we both say at the same time "sure what ever you say" miss park said and continued with her class


As I got my tray I went to where the girls are

I sat down beside nam-ra while they were talking. I'm actually surprised that nam-ra is already warming up to the group and I'm happy for her

"hey y/n" on-jo said looking at me "yeah?" I replied "when are you gonna tell su-hyeok you like him?" she said making me choke on my food "w-what?" I said looking at her "well we all know that you two like each other" I-sak said hitting me on the shoulder a bit "oh please I would rather be a zombie than date him" I said but I knew that deeply inside me I like su-hyeok so much

Just then the boys went to our table. It's our habit that every lunch time all of us sit all together "what are you girls talking about?" Cheong-san asked "nothi-" on-jo stopped me "y/n wants to talk to su-hyeok" she said and I glared at her "oh, what is it?" Su-hyeok asked "umm" i looked at the girls and I saw them nod "can we go somewhere more uh, private?" I told him standing up

"Yeah sure" su-hyeok said while smiling, I smiled back "Alright" then we went to an empty classroom "so what is it?" Su-hyeok said sitting on one of the chairs "umm" "come on, don't be shy" "I like You" I then covered my mouth then I heard su-hyeok chuckle "really?" "Y-yeah, I have liked you for some time now" "you know, I like you to, like a lot" I looked at his eyes "you do?" "Mhm, I didn't tell you because I thought you didn't like me Back" he said honestly while standing up and heading to ny direction "now y/n, can I ask you a question?" He said while putting his hand on my waist and pulling me closer to him "yeah sure, what is it?"

"Can I court You?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2022 ⏰

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