L. Rushed To The Hospital

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Chapter 50, Rushed To The Hospital

" He could harm me in the worst ways imaginable but I'd still love him with all my heart, so why can't he love me with all his "

~ Natalie James's POV ~

Everything was fading, I heard sirens and screaming.
I blacked out, when I woke up again I was being rushed through a hospital.

"We're losing her!"

A nurse shouted, I looked to the side to see my mom running with them.
She was crying harder than I have ever saw, I closed my eyes and it felt like I was dying.
I couldn't wake up anymore, my eyes wouldn't allow me.

I saw a bright light and immediately thought I was dead, soon approached a young girl.
She was around my age, she smiled at me.

"Don't be afraid dear one, I'm Elizabeth. Your guardian angel in training."

My jaw dropped as her wings opened, I was a tiny bit afraid.
But before I could say anything, I was brought out of what I think was heaven and was now in a hospital room.

The beeping noises from my monitor were louder than my thoughts, I looked to my side and noticed my family and the Waltons there.
I smiled weakly as they noticed I was awake, I felt a tiny bit of pain where I tried sitting up.

"Just lay down, you have two broken ribs, a fractured wrist, you nearly tore your Achilles heel."

I looked down at my body and I looked horrible, I took a deep breath which hurt my lungs.

"Your lungs were almost crushed, you're a very strong girl."

My doctor walked into the room with a clipboard, I low-key sounded badass.
I smiled a bit and moved my hand that wasn't fractured to my face.

I had stitches, I must've cut my cheek and eyebrow.
The doctor ran a few tests on me then he left, I watched as Jaden walked into the room.

He took his bucket hat off and placed it on my head, he kissed my forehead and sat beside me.
I grabbed his hand and smiled, he's always been so affectionate to me, I loved it.

"You could've died."

I chuckled and kisses his hand, I didn't know how to react.
I didn't want to die yet, where would I even go?

I closed my eyes and went back to sleep, everything was calm again.
But that's when I heard crying and screaming once more, I was able to hear what everyone was saying this time.


"We need to get her to surgery."


Everything went silent, I was surrounded with my own thoughts once more.
Soon Elizabeth came back, she had a smile on her face as she held her hand out.

I had a feeling she was going to try to keep me safe even if the world didn't want me safe, I was think so much about Javon.
Even if we had an argument, my mind and heart will always want to know about him.

"You're awfully quiet, may you let me in your thoughts?"

Her British accent was gorgeous, I nodded slowly and took a deep breath.

Although I have no idea who Elizabeth was, I felt like I could trust her with my life.

"There's this boy, I fell in love with and everything just went wild."

I explained, Elizabeth put her hand to my cheek and I gasped.
Every memory of me and Javon flashed through my eyes, I saw everything again and relieved it for minutes.

Elizabeth pulled her hand away from my cheek and looked at me, it was like she transferred the pain away.
She hugged me tightly, I rubbed her back with a smile.

"Why must you forgive him so fast?"

" He could harm me in the worst ways imaginable but I'd still love him with all my heart, so why can't he love me with all his? "

I said sighing, Elizabeth grabbed my hand once more and we walked around the white room.
It was like we were waiting for something or someone and we weren't allowed to leave until it happened.

My body began to ache, everything faded once more.
I didn't want to leave Elizabeth, I wanted to stay with her because I felt safe.

But then I woke up, this time I was alone.
I was in ICU and nobody dared enter the room, afraid that I would die in someone's arms.
So now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
If I shall die before I wake, I give my soul to the Lord to take.

I closed my eyes as tears trickle down, I didnt like being alone.
I hated it actually but if they thought I was going to die, then why visit me?

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