Chapter 9

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Part 1: From Small Beginnings

Victor Sullivan

"Don't do anything stupid, you understand me? Promise me you'll wait," Sully barked into the phone, if only to break through Nate's incoherent stammering.

The kid let out a shuddering breath that rocked Sully to his core. "Y-yea..." He mumbled.

Sully drove through the night and well into the following day, not stopping once in fear of Nathan Drake acting purely on his impulses. He knew how easily he lost his head when it came to Sam, and prayed he had had the sense to take heed of his advice.

Apparently, Sam went missing a few days ago, from what Sully was able to pry out of Nate, and received word that if he wanted to see his brother alive, he had to conjure up twenty-five grand in cash. Sully's fury flowed through his veins, and he was about ready to clash heads with the lowlife that decided to mess with his boys...

Sully pulled up to the designated meeting spot, and nearly let out a cry of relief when he saw the kid standing at the street corner. The dread of Nate going on ahead without him battered at Sully's thoughts, but there he was, as big as life. Sully barely managed to get both feet out of the car before Nate had him wrapped him in a crushing hug and Sully reciprocated it, patting his back. Poor kid was trembling, either from exhaustion or the anxiety of losing his brother overnight. More than likely both.

"It's okay, kid, we're gonna get him back," Sully murmured gently, which was a far-cry from how he was feeling. "You think you're up for this?"

Nate staggered back from him, running quaking fingers through his mussed-up hair, and in that moment Sully saw the dark circles under his eyes.

Awe hell, kid... He must not have slept since Sam's disappearance.

"Y-yea... did..." He sucked in a sharp breath. "Did you bring it?" He asked. "The money, did you get it?" He peered into the car, as if cash like that could miraculously appear out of thin air.

Sully shook his head. "We're not giving those bastards a cent."

Nate's posture became rigid, horror tainting his face. "Wha-? No, Sully, you- this guy isn't screwing around. We've worked with him before, he's not- he offered us a deal we couldn't pass up, and then he cut us out and we got the hell outta there, but somehow he found us and now he has Sam."

Sully forcibly swallowed down his rant that threatened to bubble over the brim of his patience, how they were idiotic to work with someone they couldn't vouch for, about how they should negotiate their own terms in a deal, cover their tracks, and that they should have stuck with him from the start. The brothers wouldn't be in this wreck if they hadn't allowed their arrogance to get the better of them.

However, as furious as he was, it wasn't entirely directed at the Drake's, but at the scum that was so goddamn close to taking away the only good in his life.

Nate started to pace, so Sully grabbed his shoulders rather roughly, to get him to focus on him instead of the panic drowning out any of his senses. "Listen to me, kid. I know how people like him operate. There's plenty of 'em out there. It doesn't matter if we pay him, he won't let your brother go." Nate looked at him, terror glistening in his eyes, shaking his head in denial, even attempting to break free of his hold. Sully grasped on tighter, giving him a little shake. "Listen to me. We'll get him back, but you gotta trust me. Do exactly as I say, understand?"

Sully let him go when he managed a numb nod. He wished he could make this all go away, even wondering what it would have been like if it was just him and Nate...

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