"Ben Harting. He's not particularly interested in the business, hence why he officially hired me." Rumlowe shrugged his shoulder.

"Got anything on what we're after?" Sully asked him.

"Just some old decor, I'd imagine." Rumlowe rummaged through his bag and pulled out printed photos of an ornate dagger.

Sully studied them closely. "What d'you suppose he wants this for?" He asked, dragging his gaze back up to the other man. Sully couldn't help but wonder if it held any secrets, messages, codes... "I'd wager it's Aztec."

Rumlowe sent him an unimpressed glance. "Doesn't really matter, does it? This is just another investment. All we have to do is get into the museum, sneak it out from under the guards' noses, and we'll walk away with our pockets filled."

Sully chewed on his cigar. Who cared about the who's-it's and the what's-it's? The Drake brothers did...

Sully shook off those thoughts. This was just business. He was here to get paid. It didn't matter what they were smuggling. "'Course. Just don't see why you two want this so badly." He gestured at the photographs.

"I don't get why he wants to spend a crap ton on something that will just sit in his mansion, but here we are," Rumlowe replied.

Maybe to sell it for a higher price down the line. "Right," Sully murmured.

The conversation drifted off into silence, and soon Rumlowe began looking around the bar, frowning when, evidently, he couldn't find what he was looking for.

"What?" Sully snapped, also sending his own furtive glance for signs of danger, or a potential backstab.

"I heard you got yourself a partner, that you're working with some two-bit kid. I was actually hoping I'd get a chance to meet him..."

"Why?" Sully asked with a healthy dose of suspicion. Particularly, he wasn't willing to drag the kid into anything when he wasn't even here to speak for himself.

Rumlowe just shrugged. "Consider it curiosity, if you will."

Sully felt a pang of loss bloom in his chest. What he wouldn't give to see that kid again... "You know how these things go. We decided to go our separate ways."

Rumlowe's grin widened. "I was starting to wonder if you'd gotten soft on us. Never can trust you, can we?"

Sully managed to pull together an easy smile. "I like to think of it as watching my own ass. But, uh... no. It wasn't like that. He had family."

Rumlowe raised an eyebrow. "Seriously, you're not getting soft on us now, are you, Victor?"

For Nate, yes. "I liked the kid, that's all," He muttered impatiently. "He would've done really well with this life." He drew in a deep sigh. "Anyway, it doesn't matter. I just want to get paid."

~ ~ ~

For as many heists that went wrong, there were plenty that were pulled off without a single hitch. A lot of it was circumstantial, and this time around, everything lined up perfectly, starting from the agreeableness of all parties involved down to the teamwork of them all pitching in. Two days later, Sully's pockets were flush with cash – always a good feeling – and he found himself at the local bar with Cutter. Rumlowe wasn't exactly invited...

No hard feelings; he just had a specific goal in mind.

"It's been a long time since we've gone out like this, hasn't it?" Cutter commented, grinning into his pint.

"Yea, well..." There really wasn't an excuse. "I was gonna get out of this game awhile back."

Cutter leaned forward, startled. "You leave this life?" He snickered, which was then followed by him taking a large swig of his beer. "You'll crawl your way back in, just you watch."

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