Chapter #2 Old rivalry

Start from the beginning

When he thought he was finally relaxed, his phone rings as a call was for him.

Father Fairest got the phone from his pocket from his pants hoping it was his son, but it was his arch musical nemesis. "Daddy Dearest."

They have a rough history since Daddy Dearest knows what's going on between him and his kids, hoping he'll be exposed soon.

While Father Fairest hated him for getting nosy and doubted that he will get exposed by a demon who also did some messed up stuff. From teleporting people to different worlds (A.G.O.T.I and Senpai), to making someone literally exploding (Whitty) and almost killing Maddie Mearest's (GF) ex boyfriend but instead turned him into a goat skull with an invisible body. (Tabi)

Father Fairest, agitated at the thought of talking to his enemy, he hits call and put his phone to his ear.

"Hello?" Father Fairest said in annoyance.

"Hello there Frank." Daddy Dearest answered with a hint of disappointed.

"I been hearing that your "son" ran away from you and your wife. That's a tip of the iceberg that you're gonna be exposed."

"Yeah? Like I said Isaac (Daddy Dearest voice actor's name reference) you're not gonna reveal everyone my true colors."

"Everyone is gonna be wondering why he ran away from you guys."

"Give me one good why I should care about it."

"They're is gonna be half of people that might question why he ran away."

"I'll simply tell them that he's just a rebel like ALWAYS! No biggie."

Daddy Dearest stood up from his chair and put his phone on his face, before yelling at it.

"No biggie? NO BIGGIE?! Ha! God you're that pathetic. I knew a manipulative, egotistical man like you will say something like this."

"Says the one who did some crimes behind everyone's back." Father Fairest said.

"I know what I did was wrong, but at least I'm more of an honest person and never abuse my kids."

"What about your "surfer" son?"

"He loved it and I can't take that away from him."

"What about your daughter?"

"She's just simply inspired by me and my wife."

"You mean that cheating lady you call your "wife?"

"She's never like that and you know it. I already talked about my family how about we move on to y-"

"As my wife like to say: "There's nothing wrong about my family." You can't expose us. We're only doing what's best for them."

"DoInG wHaT's BeSt FoR tHeM! Yeah. Verbally hurt your kids, giving your son a cigarette burn, scaring your daughter, scaring your son the most, forcing him to be someone he didn't wanna be, do the things he didn't wanna do, crushing his dreams, brainwashing him and sometimes beating your son. Yeah doing what's best for them by hurting them physically, mentally and emotionally. Especially your older son has to suffer the most!"

Daddy Dearest ranted and criticize his enemy on parenting, which he understandingly knows why.

Father Fairest went quiet for a moment and dropped the cigarette to the ground.

Daddy Dearest tries to catch his breath from the yelling.

Mommy Mearest ran in from the yelling and noticed that her husband was talking to his enemy through the phone.

"You dare talk bad about my family despite you are hurting your kids? I never thought you'll also be such a hypocrite too." He growled to Father Fairest.

Mommy Mearest walked to him and grabbed him by the wrist.

"It's best if everyone will figure out by themselves someday." She said in a calm voice.

Daddy Dearest looked at his wife and listen in what she said.

"True... But I guess we have to wait and see." He said to Mommy Mearest in agreement.

"As for you Father Fairest. Don't expect me to come to you, after you're exposed." He said through the phone before he hanged up.

Father Fairest heard that his enemy hanged up and turned his phone off.

"Doubt it." He said to himself before walking to his bedroom.

Mother Mairest was already asleep and was somewhat quite surprised his wife didn't woke up from the argument through the phone.

He climbed into bed, trying not to wake his wife up, put the covers on top of him and slowly begin to fall asleep. Trying to forget what happened between him and Daddy Dearest.

Meanwhile, Miku was somewhat still wake with her blurry eyes staring at the ceiling.

She was thinking how will her brother and his boyfriend are gonna survive from the craziness that's been going on.

"I hope you boys will be okay, I hope you'll be okay Benjamin. I'm sorry I couldn't do as much I can to help like Pico. Hope you'll live a better life and do what you love." She quietly saying to herself.

Although she does admit, she will miss her brother, but she knows what'll be good for him and hope they will still have connection to each other.

She closed her eyes after the sun was fully gone and went to sleep, still hoping her brother can finally be at peace.


Word count: 1505

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