Ch1 The beginning

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I could smell the summer breeze and the flowers around the forest. I went on a picnic with my mom for a little quality time. She grabbed a price of pizza out of the picnic basket. My mom is really weird she puts books in the freezer and fruit on the bookshelves. I could fell her eyes watching me. At the moment I was laying in the grass and closing my eyes. I looked at her and groaned.
"Sapphire, you hungry. I packed you a pizza". I looked at her like she was stupid. I turned on my music and plugged in my head phones. I only listened to Billie Ellish. My mom hated it but guess what fuck her I don't care. My mom looked behind us. I did know who it was but I could not see I was laying down. I looked at my mom she looked confused. I got up and looked behind me. It was a blond girl. Her hair was in space buns. She wore a sky blue shirt and some blue jeans. I looked at her feet and she wore some black and white tennis shoes. Ahe was really pretty. Like some one who would be in a anime or something. She walked up to us. That busted a nerve in my body. I jumped fifty feet in the air and turned into my wolf form. She jumped and fell down. My mom stayed sitting on the ground in shock. I had never actually changed in front of her. Oops, that was a mistake. Can't take it back now. She looked sad, scared, and helpless. She looked like she needed our help. I walked over to her. She flinched and help her hands up in mercy. I turned back into a human. Trust me some people are naked after they change back. I however am not. My tribe of wolves is a little different then most. We don't rip our clothes when we change into wolf. I held my hand out for her. She looked surprised. She took it and I helped her up.
"I'm sorry I startled you. I did not mean to. I'm just very protective over my mom". I whispered some thing under my breath.
" Sometimes". Toga laughed. My mom groaned. She looked Back at me and smiled. I looked very nervous. I needed to say something. I was sweating so bad. Come on Saph, you got this.
"Hi, I'm sapphire. What's your name". She blushed really bad.
"Hi I'm toga. We need to talk".

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2022 ⏰

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