"Thank god you're still alive...", Gura let out a huge sigh of relief, Kronii could hear and was confused by that sudden reaction.

"What you mean still alive ? Did something happen ?"

"Yes...Bae found HoloX, she and two other members were fighting the creature...all three of them were injured during the battle...", Gura informed the warden, the woman's face turned into panic, worry and shock...

"Wait really ? How are they ?"

"For now, we called Kanata for help with the healing, for now, everyone is great...just Bae...", Gura stopped, making Kronii more worried each second passing. The warden was already upset by those kind of news.

"What about Bae ? Please don't tell me she's dead..."

"Wha-, noooo, she's not dead, she's just...how shall I say this....she's right now in a coma, didn't wake up at all ever since she blasted herself and the creature away", Gura explained, Kronii took a deep breath from the relief she felt. She already knew the shark was talking about Bae's ultimate power, of course she would be unconscious for a good time, everyone's ultimate power had that side effect surely.

"Okay then it's good, tell me if she's awake, I'm gonna explore more after my break"

"Roger Kronii", Gura said in a soft voice, Kronii didn't continue with the talk, but made her way out of the shelter under the earth. It was afternoon already, yet the unusual hot temperature in spring, and Kronii grabbed another apple as her food, she didn't have much appetite anyways. The slime kept hugging Kronii's upper arm, as if it was glued to the humerus.

Laplus, Iroha and Koyori were on their way to search for Mumei as their main mission. They didn't have any contact from Lui and Chloe yet, this team wasn't aware what kind of incidents happened hours ago. The group arrived to the wasteland, only gravel and the feeling of death present on this landscape. Laplus was unsure about this kind of setting the were located at.

"I have a bad feeling about this", exclaimed Laplus, admitting the dangerous silence on the wasteland that felt like a battlefield. Koyori and Iroha looked at each other in worry, they knew Laplus was most of the time right, she was very intelligent after all.

"Let's just go quickly and get over this place already", suggested Iroha, sounding as uneasy as the leader herself. They had no choice as to enter the wasteland territory, paying attention to every small detail, plus Iroha had her samurai katana ready to fight. After a whole hour, they weren't attacked, nor did anything changed. The dry stone field was nothing more than lost and abandoned from everything lively, Iroha packed back her katana and they felt assured nothing would attack them.

"So it seems here is nothing, shall we get away from he-", Koyori got interrupted by the strong quake of the ground. The three girls fell to the ground from the strong shake and stayed like that until they could stand properly.

"What was that...", asked the coyote quietly, fearing that something might happen if she would talk loud or normal. Both the samurai and the leader had no idea what that kind of scene was. Finally they could stand up, but as they stood up, another quake happened. However now, the cause of the strong trembling on the ground was right in front of them.

"Wh-what is that ?", Laplus shouted in fear, staring at the thing in front of them....a giant, black slime...no eyes, no mouth, just a giant slime. It was as tall as three men stacked together...it gave a dangerous aura from it. Iroha ran in front of Laplus and Koyori, as her power was mostly attacking, but also protecting.

"My dark, Koyori, go, run away, run as far as possible", ordered the samurai as she held her katana with both hands and positioned herself to fight. Koyori pulled her leader as strong as she could and ran away as quick as possible, Laplus couldn't take her eyes away from Iroha, this was her last goodbye as they got separated.

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